

#Css #CSS #html #css
HTML with Superpowers -
HTML with Superpowers -
I think if you were using Web Components before 2020 you were an early adopter and you probably have some scars to show for it. But in 2021, now that all modern browsers support Web Components, I think they’re worth investigating.
HTML with Superpowers -
Using rel="preconnect" to establish network connections early and increase performance | CSS-Tricks
Using rel="preconnect" to establish network connections early and increase performance | CSS-Tricks
Adding rel=preconnect to a informs the browser that your page intends to establish a connection to another domain, and that you'd like the process to start as soon as possible. Resources will load more quickly because the setup process has already been completed by the time the browser requests them.
Using rel="preconnect" to establish network connections early and increase performance | CSS-Tricks