Hassle Free Responsive Images for WordPress | CSS-Tricks

Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons by KNI Labs
Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
Aaron Allport | Freelance web developer from Colchester, UK.
Responsive Nav — Responsive Navigation Plugin
Fast and lean
Responsive Inspector
24 ways: Front-end Style Guides
Links to Style Guides
Free Mobile Performance Testing with Akamai's Mobitest
Test your website performance on a mobile device
Responsive Tools For Web Designer & Developers
Responsive Design in IE10 on Windows Phone 8 - HTML5/CSS3 Experiment - Firewoiks: Extensions, resources & tutorials for Fireworks, Dreamweaver & HTML5/CSS3
Windows Phone 8, which for some reason behaves differently to every other mobile OS by interpreting device-width as the actual resolution size (either portrait or landscape depending on how it's oriented), instead of what the manufacturer (or browser vendor) has decided is the optimal viewport width (such as the “standard” 320px in portrait).
Responsive & Touch-Friendly Audio Player
min-device-pixel-ratio test
What’s your device’s min-device-pixel-ratio?
Responsive Design : Le guide de référence pour les SEOs
Web Design réactif Article traduit de Seomoz.org : Responsive Web Design: The Ultimate Guide for Online Marketers http://www.seomoz.org/ugc/responsive-web-design-the-ultimate-guide-for-online-marketers
Responsive background images with fixed or fluid aspect ratios – Voormedia
What's the easiest way to scale background images in responsive layouts? We use an old technique and enhance it to fluidly change the aspect ratio of background images.
10 Jaw Dropping Responsive Landing Pages
The Responsive Designer
Project Source: Corporate HTML5 Responsive Website
This Is Responsive | Tips, Resources and Patterns for Responsive Web Design
Patterns, resources and news for creating responsive web experiences
Responsive Development With Adobe Shadow
United Pixelworkers — Welcome
Beautiful responsive web design
25 Beautiful Responsive Web Design Examples for Inspiration
Food for thought and for your next presentation
Golden Grid System
Four features Columns, gutters, a baseline and a script.
LukeW | Off Canvas Multi-Device Layouts
An approach worth giving a try
Debunking Responsive CSS Performance Myths
Really Useful Resources and Tools for Responsive Web Design
Using window.matchMedia to do media queries in JavaScript
Getting started with RESS
Conditional CSS
10 Responsive Web Design Tutorials
35 Best Responsive WordPress Themes