Alexander Brevig : The //* /*/ //*/ comment toggle trick

Is Quora the Next Red-Hot Web Start-Up?
This Q&A service is one part Twitter, one part Wikipedia—and if you ask a question, you might be surprised by who shows up to answer it.
Let’s Take This Offline - Dive Into HTML 5
In depth HTML5 storage - excellent as usual
10 tips for designing mobile websites | These Days Labs
Flipboard, New "Social" iPad Magazine will be Powered by Semantic Data
Exciting trends
A Handy Facebook-to-English Translator | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Facebook's new jargon
24 ways: The Web Is Your CMS
YQL allows us to access web services and even the data embedded in web documents in a simple fashion – SQL style.
Video on the Web - Dive Into HTML5
A comprehensive guide on how to embed video written by Mark Pilgrim
The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer
In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World
Sysomos Inc. conducted an extensive study to document Twitter's growth and how people are using it. Interesting.