Why moving elements with translate() is better than pos:abs top/left - Paul Irish

Aaron Allport | Freelance web developer from Colchester, UK.
Quick Tip: How to Target IE6, IE7, and IE8 Uniquely with 4 Characters | Nettuts+
A reminder of IE8/IE7/IE6 hacks
The Pastry Box Project | 3 June 2013, baked by Oli Studholme
An Introduction to CSS3 Transitions - CSS3 . Info
Useful info on CSS Transitions
Profound Grid | A grid system for fixed and fluid layouts
Another take on grids
SVG Gradient Background Maker
The ultimate CSS tools for web designers | CSSmatic
Gradient generator, border radius, noise and box shadow
geuis/helium-css · GitHub
Helium is a tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site
24 ways: Front-end Style Guides
Links to Style Guides
Typeplate » A typographic starter kit encouraging great type on the Web
A neat typographic starter kit
❍ IcoMoon
Custom built and crisp icon fonts, done right
Oticons · Styleguide
GitHub icons are font icons, using a custom Octicons font face
CSS Ratiocinator - A tool that will automatically refactor your CSS
Optimse your CSS. A new take at an old issue.
Responsive & Touch-Friendly Audio Player
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
Optimize Web Fonts to Increase Performance • Tips
JSCamp: CSS Next
Public Service Announcement: Careful With Your Nested Border-Radii | CSS-Tricks
When you have and element within another padded element, both with different backgrounds and both with border-radius, make sure the inside element's border-radius is a bit less than the outer element.
How to create a simple CSS3 tooltip | Webdesigner Depot
Simple tooltip
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
Cross Browser Retina/High Resolution Media Queries
Font Custom
Generate your own font icon files
Common WordPress Development Mistakes and How to Fix Them
WordPress Coding Standards
Bourbon Sass Mixins Library
A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass. Bourbon is a library of sass mixins that are designed to be simple and easy to use. No configuration required.
min-device-pixel-ratio test
What’s your device’s min-device-pixel-ratio?
Images in a responsive web
typespiration.com - treating typography with respect — treating typography with respect
// treating typography with respect
Responsive background images with fixed or fluid aspect ratios – Voormedia
What's the easiest way to scale background images in responsive layouts? We use an old technique and enhance it to fluidly change the aspect ratio of background images.