David Roessli on Instagram: "Edgar Degas. Impressive exhibition. Don't miss it."
Edgar Degas. Impressive exhibition. Don't miss it. @ Beyeler Foundation http://t.co/QI6ohJbM
David | Restaurant "Zum Schmale Wurf"
I'm at Zum Schmale Wurf (Basel, BS) http://t.co/CZZLpci7
Keeping Safari a secret
Great story: «Keeping Safari a secret» by @donmelton http://t.co/wezaqBWk
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
SocialCount, a jQuery Plugin for Lighter & Faster Social Networking Widgets
J'ai pris en photo le ciel bleu, pour le cas où on ne le reverrait plus pendant quelque temps... http://t.co/8SC61vzI
Andy | Restaurant Hôtel-de-Ville
Beer and roast chestnuts with my good old friend @roessli (@ Restaurant Hôtel-de-Ville) http://t.co/2bd2NsBn
Anna on Instagram: "Lac Léman & #Geneva"
Lac Léman & #Geneva @ Up in the air http://t.co/SXo8oHhs
@roessli Hair Project has been featured on http://t.co/O4U6m8Ke
♥ RT: @Heraclite: "One screw to rule them all" #proprietary #nuisance #apple http://t.co/HOz1TqhX
RT @davidmarcus: Amazing photo. Here comes #Isaac. About to hit Florida now (courtesy @seven_marine) http://t.co/epwJuzDt #weather
our good friends at http://t.co/RKFfbwf8 are looking for web frontend developers (Lausanne), spread the word
Recommendations for building smartphone-optimized websites
Using responsive web design is Google’s recommended configuration for smartphone-optimised sites: http://t.co/EKHpxGsH
@roessli Nuances minérales is now featured http://t.co/sx5eWLmC
Congratulations to @relaxintheair for the great design of the @swissjeese website! http://t.co/Kp3EH2RD kudos @mccasal @sdufaux @bdufresne
Photo of the Day: Mount Everest, Nepal http://t.co/ZYi14UKw #pod #photography
This is why Twitter exists. For exactly this sort of thing. RT @helenpidd: Excellent Norwegian toilet sign http://t.co/r7Xg1vLP
HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
Yumyum. HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS: http://t.co/QIlqysIH
Ajoutez le bouton « Follow » de Twitter en 5 étapes : paramètres, intégration, etc. | Kriisiis.fr - Outils, Conseils et Actualité Social Media
How to add a Twitter button (in French)
Smile with confidence when you brush your teeth with ISO ;) http://t.co/Qbcx1sEY
Vieillissement : cerveau et sexe ne s'usent... que si on ne s'en sert pas
Vieillissement : cerveau et sexe ne s'usent... que si on ne s'en sert pas. Bonne nouvelle, non ???http://t.co/rfmeQqt1 via @lemondefr