A Cheatsheet for User Interview and Follow Ups Questions by Stéphanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.
I put together a “cheat sheet that helps write interview and follow ups questions for user research and usability test protocols” Those are fragments of questions to should help you get started writing your own questions.
Dark patterns : quelle grille de lecture pour les réguler ?
Alors que les designs trompeurs sont de plus en plus portés à l’attention du public, la question de leur possible régulation se pose, bien qu’il ne soit pas simple de démontrer le caractère fondamentalement manipulateur d’un élément composant une interface.
2.0 — instant.page
instant.page makes your site’s pages instant — in 1 minute of effort — by preloading pages right before a user clicks on them: when they hover over a link for 65 ms; there’s one chance out of two that they will click then. On mobile, it preloads when they start touching their display, before releasing it.