(500) http://bit.ly/8xgS0zRT @stephtara: live-tweeting vs. live-blogging at conferences #lift10#lift10·bit.ly·May 5, 2010(500) http://bit.ly/8xgS0z
Live-Blogging vs. Live-Tweeting at Conferences — Climb to the StarsRT @stephtara: live-tweeting vs. live-blogging at conferences #lift10#lift10·climbtothestars.org·May 5, 2010Live-Blogging vs. Live-Tweeting at Conferences — Climb to the Stars
Combien de bises ?Olivier Glassey: how many times must I kiss someone? #lift10#lift10·combiendebises.free.fr·May 5, 2010Combien de bises ?
About to fill up for the afternoon session #lift10 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!About to fill up for the afternoon session #lift10#lift10·flickr.com·May 5, 2010About to fill up for the afternoon session #lift10 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Geneva from its social network activities | Lift labRT @nicolasnova: Mapping Geneva and its social network activities (Foursquare+Flickr) during #lift10:#lift10·liftlab.com·May 5, 2010Geneva from its social network activities | Lift lab
liftconference - live streaming video powered by Livestreamon my way to #lift10. For thoses who can't make it, check out the live stream at#lift10·livestream.com·May 5, 2010liftconference - live streaming video powered by Livestream