Line length revisited: following the research
The consensus among typographers is that we should avoid long line lengths when designing continuous texts. Also, line spacing should be greater with longer lines.
Modern CSS has numerous tools to help you improve the legibility of your text, from cutting edge technologies like variable fonts, to newly precise control of established properties. Edoardo Cavazza introduces some of his favorite tricks, with plenty of actionable tips for implementing them on your own sites.
Pixels vs. Relative Units in CSS: why it’s still a big deal
The most important reason for using responsive and unitless values in our CSS is for supporting our users that rely on zooming. If you read the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, our users need to be able to zoom the viewport without loss of content or functionality, or restrictions imposed by CSS values or viewport scaling settings.
Variable fonts are an evolution of the OpenType font specification that allows a single file to contain all of the variations of width, weight, slant, italics, and virtually any other permutation of a typeface the type designer want’s to expose—all in a single file.
“Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Typography” by Jason Pamental—An Event Apart video
Variable fonts include EVERY width, weight, slant, and other permutation of a typeface, all in a single file not much bigger than a regular font file. In this hour-long presentation captured live at An Event Apart Orlando 2018, Jason Pamental delves into the ins and outs of variable fonts, showing you not just how far the new capabilities can take us, but how to make use of them right away.
Modern developments in CSS make it easier than ever to create robust, scalable, elegant typographic systems on the web. Add variable fonts and the design, technical, and performance benefits are really exciting.
The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.