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The Grid SystemThe grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.#grids#web#resources#reference#tools#layout#typography#webdesign#grid#design··Sep 4, 2012The Grid System | Upload the WebA better upload dialog for the web Your content, where you want it. Upload files directly from Dropbox, Facebook, your computer, and more!#web#ui#facebook#twitter#tools#jquery#filepicker#dropbox#javascript#upload··May 1, | Upload the Web
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Is It Old?Ceck your link before posting it on Twitter#search#link#Web#Tools#socialmedia#links··Feb 24, 2012Is It Old?
ProtoFluid - HTML5 and CSS3 Web App PrototypingTest your @media queries and web app on various screen sizes#browser#css3#html5#prototyping#ipad#iphone#layout#testing#webapp#webdesign#tools#web#webdev··Jul 26, 2010ProtoFluid - HTML5 and CSS3 Web App Prototyping
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