Getting Familiar with the Flexible Box Layout Model
Delicious Transition
The deed is done. Delicious was acquired by AVOS. You need to opt-in before July to keep your bookmarks alive
David Roessli at Le Printemps
Five spices @ Le Printemps
Sony admits utter PSN failure: your personal data has been stolen
It's a Brave New World we live in.. "Sony admits utter PSN failure: your personal data has been stolen" via @Ziteapp
Montréal: Restaurants que j’ai testés pour vous » Blog de voyage
This one is for you @loronet :) RT @stephtara Montréal: Restaurants que j’ai testés pour vous #EBF
Oh! @ Rolex
David Roessli at Garage Chatelanat
Switching to summer tires @ Garage Chatelanat
Taking a short break on Twitpic
Taking a short break
App Review: Tikal offers jungle brilliance for 10 action points a turn
Hey @mathiascurrat: Tikal comes to the iPad ;) "App Review: Tikal offers jungle brilliance for 10 action points a turn"
Information Architects – A Web Designer on Fukushima
Whatever we do next: Let us not just ask the experts - stimulating thoughts I agree with "A Web Designer on Fukushima"
Has just received his first Android testing device bought on ... on Twitpic
Has just received his first Android testing device bought on eBay
David Roessli at Cybermedia Concepts
Trying to focus @ Cybermedia Concepts
Inbox Inspections Now Free | MailChimp Email Marketing Blog
For those into mailinglists, MailChimp's Inbox Inspections are now free via @Ziteapp
Log In - The New York Times
Congratulations @joi - well deserved! "Joichi Ito Named Head of M.I.T. Media Lab"
Dropbox Attempts To Kill Open Source Project | Razor Fast
Censorship is never an option "Dropbox Attempts To Kill Open Source Project" via @Ziteapp
Bootstrapping part two of my 2010 admin sprint
Muriel's Wedding (1994) - IMDb
Forgot how good Muriel's Wedding was.. :) Cc/@artefr
Muse – Unnatural Selection – Video, listening & stats at
Waow. That was one hell of an evening! Thanks Mat'… will not forget :) “Unatural Selection”
Applecore | Home
Missed again. Failed to upgrade my Movable Type v3 database t... on Twitpic
Missed again. Failed to upgrade my Movable Type v3 database to Open Melody v1.0 - drats. Cc/@openmelody
Alyssa in “Ballade en Perc” - 4 au 15 mai 2011 | David Roessli's Empty Set
Don't miss Alyssa in “Ballade en Perc” - 4 au 15 mai 2011
Relaxing after 5 hrs non-stop of accounting/admin (sigh) Shou... on Twitpic
Relaxing after 5 hrs non-stop of accounting/admin (sigh) Should be afloat by tomorrow when the family returns.
The curious case of the number 3435 — Republic of Mathematics blog
For those who like me are fascinated by numbers: 3^3 + 4^4 + 3^3 + 5^5 = 3435 The curious case of the number 3435
A new micro clearfix hack
An interesting new approach I wasn't aware of "A new micro clearfix hack" via @Ziteapp
There's more to HTML escaping than &, , and "
There's more to HTML escaping than &, , and " via @Ziteapp
David Roessli
Lavishing @ Gelatomania
David Roessli
Short back and sides @ Hair Project
Pesto! (à l'ail des ours - no idea how you call this in English) @ 122 chemin De La Montagne
Easter egg hunt on Twitpic
Easter egg hunt
David Roessli
Pure bliss @ Plage De La Nymphe (la Sirene)