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Dark patterns : quelle grille de lecture pour les réguler ?
Dark patterns : quelle grille de lecture pour les réguler ?
Alors que les designs trompeurs sont de plus en plus portés à l’attention du public, la question de leur possible régulation se pose, bien qu’il ne soit pas simple de démontrer le caractère fondamentalement manipulateur d’un élément composant une interface.
Dark patterns : quelle grille de lecture pour les réguler ?
Quitting Analytics
Quitting Analytics
Some time ago, I removed all the tracking from my personal site, and I haven’t missed it.
Quitting Analytics
Font style matcher
Font style matcher
This tool helps you minimize the discrepancy (FOUC) by trying to match the fallback font and the intended webfont.
Font style matcher
Accessibility Support
Accessibility Support
Will your code work with assistive technologies? This community-driven website aims to help inform developers about what is accessibility supported.
Accessibility Support
Spacing, Grids and Layouts
Spacing, Grids and Layouts
The organization of space is key to every great design. Spatial systems, grids, and layouts provide rules that give your designs a consistent rhythm, constrain decision making, and help teams stay aligned. This foundational scaffolding is a requirement for all design systems. In this guide, we’ll walk through the basics of defining spatial base units, creating relationship rules with grids, and bringing it all together for modern UI layouts.
Spacing, Grids and Layouts
“Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Typography” by Jason Pamental—An Event Apart video
“Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Typography” by Jason Pamental—An Event Apart video
Variable fonts include EVERY width, weight, slant, and other permutation of a typeface, all in a single file not much bigger than a regular font file. In this hour-long presentation captured live at An Event Apart Orlando 2018, Jason Pamental delves into the ins and outs of variable fonts, showing you not just how far the new capabilities can take us, but how to make use of them right away.
“Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Typography” by Jason Pamental—An Event Apart video
Jeremy Keith - Building The Web - View Source 2019
Jeremy Keith - Building The Web - View Source 2019
@adactio shares his insights on the current state of the web and web development and its complexity. Expectations of the web have changed : people expect the web to be terrible (especially on mobile). You can do more with less today, but we don't always choose to do so. Fondamental stuff is not (aways) a technology. The goal of any good framework or library should be to make itself redundant. Our priority should always be what is going to make life easier for the user. The worse thing we can do is to assume things are inevitable (FB, Google), but that is just the way things have turned out. They can change. Let's have the imagination of how things could be different. “I am afraid for the web. When I'm done with all this, and when I look around and all the people making websites look like me, then I think we will have failed.”
Jeremy Keith - Building The Web - View Source 2019
Using outline instead of border - Andy Bell
Using outline instead of border - Andy Bell
You can use outline instead of border to achieve the same visual effect, but it’ll bleed over the edges nicely.
Using outline instead of border - Andy Bell
2019 Guide: Apple iPad Pro for Photographers: Digital Photography Review
2019 Guide: Apple iPad Pro for Photographers: Digital Photography Review
With the release of every new tablet, photographers peer past their laptops and wonder: could this be the one that lightens my gear load without sacrificing performance? The appeal of a fast and light tablet is seductive, even if you’re not looking to completely replace a desktop or laptop, but tradeoffs have so far made it a difficult choice.
2019 Guide: Apple iPad Pro for Photographers: Digital Photography Review
2.0 —
2.0 — makes your site’s pages instant — in 1 minute of effort — by preloading pages right before a user clicks on them: when they hover over a link for 65 ms; there’s one chance out of two that they will click then. On mobile, it preloads when they start touching their display, before releasing it.
2.0 —
Using rel="preconnect" to establish network connections early and increase performance | CSS-Tricks
Using rel="preconnect" to establish network connections early and increase performance | CSS-Tricks
Adding rel=preconnect to a informs the browser that your page intends to establish a connection to another domain, and that you'd like the process to start as soon as possible. Resources will load more quickly because the setup process has already been completed by the time the browser requests them.
Using rel="preconnect" to establish network connections early and increase performance | CSS-Tricks
Dynamic Typography with Variable Fonts
Dynamic Typography with Variable Fonts
Modern developments in CSS make it easier than ever to create robust, scalable, elegant typographic systems on the web. Add variable fonts and the design, technical, and performance benefits are really exciting.
Dynamic Typography with Variable Fonts