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Jeremy Keith - Building The Web - View Source 2019
Jeremy Keith - Building The Web - View Source 2019
@adactio shares his insights on the current state of the web and web development and its complexity. Expectations of the web have changed : people expect the web to be terrible (especially on mobile). You can do more with less today, but we don't always choose to do so. Fondamental stuff is not (aways) a technology. The goal of any good framework or library should be to make itself redundant. Our priority should always be what is going to make life easier for the user. The worse thing we can do is to assume things are inevitable (FB, Google), but that is just the way things have turned out. They can change. Let's have the imagination of how things could be different. “I am afraid for the web. When I'm done with all this, and when I look around and all the people making websites look like me, then I think we will have failed.”
Jeremy Keith - Building The Web - View Source 2019
Zippopotamus- Zip Code Galore
Zippopotamus- Zip Code Galore
Zippopotamus is an initiative to crowd-source and aggregate zip code information and make it available to the public. Postal codes not only provide information about a region, they also change a lot, which means keeping track is tough. Zippopotamus wants to help by offering an API which could simplify auto-complete forms and auto-location or city, state or country information look-up.
Zippopotamus- Zip Code Galore