What If the World's Soil Runs Out?
Worried about depleating fossil fuels? We might run out of top soil first.. «What If the World’s Soil Runs Out?» http://t.co/kxj52ngF
David | Cybermedia Concepts
Puzzled. Going to Flo's for a coffee and fresh air. (@ Cybermedia Concepts) http://t.co/2kl7oKfW
David | La Maison Rouge
First time this year. Lovely people :) (@ La Maison Rouge) http://t.co/ckK4xsi0
Preparing the afternoon session "European genetic diversity in relation to public health" #orieuro
Preparing the afternoon session "European genetic diversity in relation to public health" #orieuro http://t.co/ZeUffwPK
Prof. Alicia Sanchez-Mazas #orieuro
Prof. Alicia Sanchez-Mazas #orieuro http://t.co/ezkixB19
Oh… :) @TwBirthday: @roessli Happy 6th TwBirthday! You've been around since 15 January 2007! http://t.co/qtVgy9RJ
David | Sciences II
Day two kicking off with @mathiascurrat #orieuro (@ Sciences II) http://t.co/BrUIP3uu
David | La Ferblanterie
Chilling out @mathiascurrat @loronet (@ La Ferblanterie) http://t.co/Snktt6aA
New MySpace opens to the public alongside new Justin Timberlake single
New MySpace opens to the public http://t.co/yyYxrbuF
Laurent Excoffier (@loronet) contributing #orieuro
Laurent Excoffier (@loronet) contributing #orieuro http://t.co/xRC867Gl
Genetic Diversity and Origins of Europeans conference #orieuro
View my 6 latest photos on Flickr: http://t.co/Y8l8CNlQ
Added Unfinished Business (@Malarkey and @anna_debenham) to my Instacast list http://t.co/OuYDXzHs @unfinishedbz http://t.co/9rM5nWW0
David | Sciences II
"Genetics Diversity and Origins of Europeans" has begun #orieuro (@ Sciences II) http://t.co/dxHBwmm3
David Roessli on Instagram: "Swiss chocolates at the registration desk #orieuro"
Swiss chocolates at the registration desk #orieuro http://t.co/vfsK9GHU
We're ready! Registration is open! #orieuro
We're ready! Registration is open! #orieuro http://t.co/wAJFiUvf
David Roessli on Instagram: "All is ready to fly for tomorrow's conference "Genetic Diversity and Origins of Europeans" http://ua.unige.ch/originsofeuropeans #orieuro"
All is ready to fly for tomorrow's conference "Genetic Diversity and Origins of Europeans" htt @ Sciences II http://t.co/3LXBuvDz
David | Le Florymass
Quiet coffee before managing today's last minute rush #orieuro (@ Le Florymass) http://t.co/lOZDxnM6
Feeling a tinge of web-early-days-nostalgia after listening to @zeldman and @meyerweb on The Big Web Show http://t.co/Y57D0mqt #gooddays
Kumbh Mela festival
I saw a bit of the 1992 Kumbh Mela. Impressive. RT @BBCWorld: Millions of Indians prepare to attend Kumbh Mela [..] http://t.co/3xxwdJhF
Updating my mixins.. "Using Unprefixed CSS3 Gradients in Modern Browsers" http://t.co/z6KoO0Gp
Montreux Jazz Festival
Such great moments, such great memories over the years. Magical. Thanks Claude! http://t.co/aRO6Lprm
David | Anthropology Unit
It's going to be a long day… (@ Unité d'Anthropologie)