A Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development
33 Essential Resources for Developers & Designers
Hash URIs
HTML5 and CSS3 Snippets Every Web Developer Show Know
Pure CSS3 box-shadow page curl effect
5 Cool CSS Hover Effects You Can Copy and Paste
Getting Familiar with the Flexible Box Layout Model
Getting Familiar with the Flexible Box Layout Model
A new micro clearfix hack
An interesting new approach I wasn't aware of "A new micro clearfix hack" via @Ziteapp
There's more to HTML escaping than &, , and "
There's more to HTML escaping than &, , and " via @Ziteapp
Powerful New CSS Techniques and Tools
30 Examples of Websites Using HTML5
Enterprise HTML: Proven High Performance, Enterprise-Level and Scalable HTML Tips and Best Practices
Lovely examples of don'ts
Web Directions South 2010 Opening Titles
RT @stop: Mind blown. Bar raised. @themaninblue's title sequence for WDS, using HTML, CSS, and JS: (view in Chrome)
Snoopy | View-source bookmarklet for iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices
Super handy
The Human Body in HTML and PHP
Flipboard, New "Social" iPad Magazine will be Powered by Semantic Data
Exciting trends
HTML5Rocks - Best Practices for a Faster Web App with HTML5
Google's tips and playground
The HTML5 test
How well does your browser support HTML5?
swissmiss | The Ancient Art of Email Templating
Take off that beanie and put that Zeldman book down, you hippie. There are no standards in HTML email.
HTML5 Doctor
Helping you implement HTML 5 today