200+ Free Vector Icons For UI, Wireframes and Web Design
Creating Single Element iPhone using CSS3 | CSSDeck
On the amazing use of box-shadow
Network Calculators
Subnet mask calculator
AFP Share Points Missing When Admin...: Apple Support Communities
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool YES
200+ Free Vector Icons For UI, Wireframes and Web Design
Humans TXT: We Are People, Not Machines.
We Are People, Not Machines
Golden Grid System
Four features Columns, gutters, a baseline and a script.
The Grid System
The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.
Modular Grid Pattern
Useful web app to generate a grid pattern
Browser sketch sheets for Web Designers | Sneakpeekit
Large sketch sheets collection with many different canvasses, grids and PSD grid templates
Responsive Web Design Sketch Sheets | MightyMeta
I’ve made some printable sheets for wireframing for responsive layouts, with corresponding Photoshop templates.
Where you can find great sources of web design inspiration
CSS :target for Off-Screen Designs
THE NIFTY MINIDRIVE more storage and better back-up (for the MacBook Air, Pro and Retina)
30 Beautiful Web Designs That Use Photos as Backgrounds
Adobe Fireworks Web Design Tutorials | Graphic & Web Design Inspiration + Resources
Get Your Form On: Modern Web Forms Tutorials
27 jQuery & CSS3 Loading Animation and Progress Bar Plugins/Tutorials
RT @davidmarcus: Amazing photo. Here comes #Isaac. About to hit Florida now (courtesy @seven_marine) http://t.co/epwJuzDt #weather
21 Beautiful Contact Pages
Complete List of HTML Meta Tags | Lance Pollard
A handy list to have somewhere
Easily Convert a PDF to DOC File for Free
Satechi Premium 4 Port Aluminum USB Hub (9.5" cable) for iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, MacBook, and Mac Mini (Silver)
Upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for $39.99
Cool opportunity
Grid System
T+T83 Telephone Socket Wiring
Useful connection table to figure out how to wire your swiss phone soket T+T83
LukeW | Off Canvas Multi-Device Layouts
An approach worth giving a try