http://www.bread-and-butter.chour good friends at are looking for web frontend developers (Lausanne), spread the word#from#twitter··Jun 20, 2012
Create a website style guide#styleguide#userexperience#ui#style#reference#bbc#documentation#inspiring#cybmed··Jun 15, 2012Create a website style guide
Debunking Responsive CSS Performance Myths#optimization#html#stylesheet#browsers#css#rwd#responsive#javascript#cybmed··Jun 15, 2012Debunking Responsive CSS Performance Myths
Really Useful Resources and Tools for Responsive Web Design#css#javascript#tablet#html#retina#Rwd#responsive#webdesign#resources#tips#cybmed··Jun 14, 2012Really Useful Resources and Tools for Responsive Web Design
A Beginner's Guide to Colour Temperature#camera#bluehour#photography#howto#temperature#colour··Jun 11, 2012A Beginner's Guide to Colour Temperature
iBook Lessons: Style sheets#publishing#ibooks#stylesheet#css#font#layout··Jun 11, 2012iBook Lessons: Style sheets
Recommendations for building smartphone-optimized websitesUsing responsive web design is Google’s recommended configuration for smartphone-optimised sites:··Jun 8, 2012Recommendations for building smartphone-optimized websites
Allowing Users to Edit Text Content with HTML5#html#javascript#css#storage#rdit#form#contenteditable#cybmed··Jun 7, 2012Allowing Users to Edit Text Content with HTML5
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iChat Contact TestersUseful to test your iChat/Message settings and bandwidth··Jun 1, 2012iChat Contact Testers Nuances minérales is now featured··Jun 1, 2012
How to Document Your Code#javascript#ajax#tagging#constructor#yuidoc#documentation#comment#cybmeb··Jun 1, 2012How to Document Your Code to @relaxintheair for the great design of the @swissjeese website! kudos @mccasal @sdufaux @bdufresne#from#twitter··May 30, 2012 of the Day: Mount Everest, Nepal #pod #photography#pod#photography#from#twitter··May 29, 2012
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Absolutely Free Vector Icon Packs for your Designs#computergraphics#icon#font#vector#design#web··May 28, 2012Absolutely Free Vector Icon Packs for your Designs
Quick Tip: Rounded Corners Done Right#css#rounded#design#tip#howto#cybmed··May 26, 2012Quick Tip: Rounded Corners Done Right
Search & Replace using find and rplUseful walkthough on how to use rpl to search and replace strings from the command line.#cybmed#reference#howto#pdf#search#find#rpl#unix··May 24, 2012Search & Replace using find and rpl
Introducing DNSCrypt (Preview Release)DNSCrypt turns regular DNS traffic into encrypted DNS traffic that is secure from eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.#cybmed#sysadmin#DNSCrypt#privacy#openDNS#security#dns··May 22, 2012Introducing DNSCrypt (Preview Release)
Apple’s 27 Guidelines for Mobile User Experience Design#mobile#userexperience#usability#ui#userexperiencedesign#apple#guidelines#ux#cybmed··May 21, 2012Apple’s 27 Guidelines for Mobile User Experience Design is why Twitter exists. For exactly this sort of thing. RT @helenpidd: Excellent Norwegian toilet sign··May 16, 2012
Tomorrow’s web type today: Expert subsets for css in 123#css#smallcaps#opentype#type#font#webfont··May 14, 2012Tomorrow’s web type today: Expert subsets for css in 123
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Free Icon Fonts for a New Kind of Web Design#computergraphics#photoshop#css#johnhicks#icon#iconfonts#resources#fontface#cybmed··May 10, 2012Free Icon Fonts for a New Kind of Web Design
HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JSYumyum. HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS:··May 10, 2012HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
How to Share an Address Book On 10.6 Snow Leopard Server.How to create a global address book on a Mac OS X server (10.6 or later).#cybmed#snowleopard#howto#tips#shared#carddav#addressbook#macosx#configuration#osx#mac#server··May 9, 2012How to Share an Address Book On 10.6 Snow Leopard Server.
Home - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSSA brilliant and inspiring book. Not only useful, but fun to read too. Full of good tips and ideas. I love the approach.#cybmed#howto#inspiration#Reference#books#modular#smacss#ebook#webdev#css3#webdesign#architecture#css··May 9, 2012Home - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
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Starting a startup? 5 things you must checkoff before kick-starting the startup journey.#startup#experience#life#mistakes#passion#inspiration#SAH··May 9, 2012Starting a startup? 5 things you must checkoff before kick-starting the startup journey.
Ajoutez le bouton « Follow » de Twitter en 5 étapes : paramètres, intégration, etc. | - Outils, Conseils et Actualité Social MediaHow to add a Twitter button (in French)#social#button#fr#howto#socialmedia#twitter··May 8, 2012Ajoutez le bouton « Follow » de Twitter en 5 étapes : paramètres, intégration, etc. | - Outils, Conseils et Actualité Social Media