To help you circumvent the common pitfalls that the English language brings along, Andy Taylor created Style Manual, a reference document for punctuation, style, and spelling.
SystemSix is a desk calendar that displays the weather forecast and phase of the moon on an e-ink display. This is a kind of love-letter to my first Macintosh.
Excellent take by Moxie Marlinspike on Web3 “[…] it seems worth thinking about how to avoid web3 being web2x2 (web2 but with even less privacy) with some urgency”
I think if you were using Web Components before 2020 you were an early adopter and you probably have some scars to show for it. But in 2021, now that all modern browsers support Web Components, I think they’re worth investigating.
Line length revisited: following the research
The consensus among typographers is that we should avoid long line lengths when designing continuous texts. Also, line spacing should be greater with longer lines.