CoffeeScriptCoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Think of it as JavaScript's less ostentatious kid brother — the same genes, roughly the same height, but a different sense of style.#coffeescript#compilers#experimental#languages#scripting#javascript#mobile#webapp#html5#development··Nov 9, 2010CoffeeScript
instagr.amWondering if this is one of the last time I install Mac OS X Server.. @ Cybermedia Concepts··Nov 8,
A List Apart: Articles: Art Direction and Design“Art direction gives substance to design. Art direction adds humanity to design.” Yes please, more please :)··Nov 8, 2010A List Apart: Articles: Art Direction and Design
David RoessliFeeling a bit rough on the edges this morning. As if I'd (re)caught cold at the theatre yes — at Cybermedia Concepts··Nov 8, 2010David Roessli
Daring Fireball: Going Flash-Free on Mac OS X, and How to Cheat When You Need ItUninstall Flash on your Mac and save battery life#flash#mac#macosx#safari#chrome#plugin#howto#flashfree··Nov 6, 2010Daring Fireball: Going Flash-Free on Mac OS X, and How to Cheat When You Need It
Wang Chung: Space Junk: (Wang Chung '97)I just used #Shazam to discover Space Junk by Wang Chung.#Shazam··Nov 6, 2010Wang Chung: Space Junk: (Wang Chung '97)
hoping to get hooked on the #WalkingDead TV serie as much as I am on the comic book serie | Flickr - Photo Sharing!hoping to get hooked on the #WalkingDead TV serie as much as I am on the comic book serie#WalkingDead··Nov 6, 2010hoping to get hooked on the #WalkingDead TV serie as much as I am on the comic book serie | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Apple - Xserve - ResourcesWaow. Apple dumps the XServe end of Jan 2011. "Apple Shitcans the Xserve"··Nov 5, 2010Apple - Xserve - Resources
David RoessliLunch at the bar w/@lepetitnicolas — at La Maison Rouge··Nov 4, 2010David Roessli
Wipe-out | Stuff and NonsenseRT @Malarkey ★ Wipe-out (RT please) Take care mate. Unplug and take your time. Good vibes your way.··Nov 4, 2010Wipe-out | Stuff and Nonsense
Tweetage Wasteland : Walkman to Facebook: How Tuning Out Led to Tuning InRT @brainpicker: "The Walkman is dead. Long live the Walkman." The sociology of listening to music in the digital age··Nov 3, 2010Tweetage Wasteland : Walkman to Facebook: How Tuning Out Led to Tuning In
SOFA - Design, Interfaces & SoftwareNice layout (and products!)#inspiration#layout#visual#design#webdesign#ui#blog#company··Nov 3, 2010SOFA - Design, Interfaces & Software | Le martyre des femmes tchétchènesHorrified. "Il est effectivement dangereux d’être jeune, femme et belle en Tchétchénie" #letemps#letemps··Nov 1, | Le martyre des femmes tchétchènes
BBC News - Tube gets first wi-fi connection at Charing CrossTube gets first wi-fi connection - On the plateform, not the trains..··Oct 31, 2010BBC News - Tube gets first wi-fi connection at Charing Cross
Donald Byrd: House Of The Rising Sun: UP WITH DONALD BYRDI just used #Shazam to discover House Of The Rising Sun by Donald Byrd.#Shazam··Oct 30, 2010Donald Byrd: House Of The Rising Sun: UP WITH DONALD BYRD
Alfred AppTried out @alfredapp and adopted it in a matter of minutes #launcher #productivity #quicksilver#launcher#quicksilver#productivity#alfred#applauncher#launch#mac#macosx#utilities#software#mbwideas··Oct 29, 2010Alfred App
David Roessli - Having the time of my life - TwitVidHaving the time of my life··Oct 28, 2010David Roessli - Having the time of my life - TwitVid
free wi-fi AirportsRT @brainpicker: A handy guide to which airports have free wifi··Oct 28, 2010free wi-fi Airports
David RoessliMeeting up with @parsifalron and Solt for an eve out — at Bains des Paquis··Oct 28, 2010David Roessli