Links & David Röthler

WikiVision Von Television zu WikiVision: Mediale Grundversorgung von allen für alle Von allen? Braucht es nicht Experten, um den öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrag qualitätvoll zu erfüllen? Dass eine Enzyklopädie nur von Experten geschaffen werden kann, war e
The Commotion Wireless Project | The Commotion Wireless Project
The Commotion Wireless Project | The Commotion Wireless Project
Commotion is an open source “device-as-infrastructure” communication platform that integrates users’ existing cell phones, Wi-Fi enabled computers, and other wireless-capable devices to create community- and metro-scale, peer-to-peer communications networ
The Commotion Wireless Project | The Commotion Wireless Project
Das Start-up Journatic aus Chicago produziert für US-Zeitungen Lokalberichterstattung auf den Philippinen und in anderen Billiglohnländern. In Deutschland ist eine Zentralisierung der Lokalberichterstattung nicht zu beobachten, die Au
California Watch | Bold new journalism
California Watch | Bold new journalism

Building a new model for investigative reporting In the summer of 2009, the independent, nonpartisan Center for Investigative Reporting launched a new reporting initiative called California Watch, the largest group of journalists dedicated to investigativ

California Watch | Bold new journalism
IntoNow — Connect with your friends around the shows you love
IntoNow — Connect with your friends around the shows you love
IntoNow from Yahoo! makes engaging with your friends around your favorite television shows easy and fun. Just tap the green button when you’re watching, and IntoNow will identify the show, right down to the episode. Once identified it’s easy to share with
IntoNow — Connect with your friends around the shows you love