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Links & David Röthler
The Times Issues Social Media Guidelines for the Newsroom - The New York Times
In social media posts, our journalists must not express partisan opinions, promote political views, endorse candidates, make offensive comments or do anything else that undercuts The Times’s journalistic reputation.
Buffer - A better way to share on social media
(2) Twitter auf Facebook
Twitter-App für FB
HootCourses are held online, using Twitter and Facebook as a virtual classroom space.
Timehop: What did you do 1 year ago today?
Easy Social Media Measurement & Analytics | Simply Measured
Social Media Monitoring and Analysis Made Easy | RowFeeder
Spiegel Online - Redaktion vs Social Media
Gegenübergestellt sind alle Headlines der letzten 24 Stunden auf der Spiegel Homepage: Auf der einen Seite die am längsten und höchsten platzierten Themen auf der Spiegel Online Homepage und auf der anderen Seite die gleichen Links aber sortiert danach, w
RSS Graffiti | reads your feeds; writes your walls
What does it do? RSS Graffiti periodically checks the RSS/Atom feeds that you specify and posts any new entries it finds to the Facebook Walls that you specify. You can get any feed written on any wall (Facebook Profiles, Fan Pages, Groups, Events and App : deliver your content to the social web.
Social Media Governance 2010
ifttt puts the internet to work for you by creating tasks that fit this simple structure.
More Journalists Using Facebook And Twitter | WebProNews
More than a third (37%) of traditional journalists now contribute to Twitter and 39 percent produce content for a blog as part of their expanded duties, according to a new PRWeek/PR Newswire Media Survey.
"Angebot an Leser muss sich radikal verändern" - Onlinemedien - › Etat
Alan Rusbridger, Chefredakteur des "Guardian", über unsinnige Bezahlschranken, die geänderten Beziehung zu den Lesern und warum er Mitarbeiter ermutigt, auf Facebook zu sein.
Most journalists use social media such as Twitter and Facebook as a source |Media |
Most journalists use social media such as Twitter and Facebook as a source
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