Links & David Röthler
EUROPA - Press Releases - Neelie Kroes Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda My vision for eGovernment, and how to make it real "Lift-Off towards Open Government" conference Brussels, 15 December 2010
yes to open data! I want to see more citizens and businesses making use of more open – machine readable – data. By involving third parties we can both improve services and be more transparent. That would be the definition of weGov.
Adhocracy-Versuch: Bundestag bittet zur Bürger-Beteiligung - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
Nach einigen Querelen wagt die Enquete-Kommission "Internet und digitale Gesellschaft" nun ein Experiment: Das Parlament öffnet sich, die Bürger dürfen sich auf einer quasi-offiziellen Online-Plattform einmischen.
About « New Urban Mechanics
From increasing civic participation, to improving City streets, to boosting educational outcomes, the office focuses on a broad range of areas. The specific projects are diverse as well – from better designed signs and trash cans to high tech apps for sm