Start your own online SchoolSupercool School is an online school platform that empowers everyone to create customized education environments for live online learning.#webinar#collaboration#education#web2erc··Oct 27, 2010Start your own online School
Virtual Classroom - MindMeister Mind MapAuflistung von Live Online Tools#webinar#collaboration#web2erc··Jul 21, 2010Virtual Classroom - MindMeister Mind Map
AVALON - Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline#education#web2erc#collaboration#webinar#secondlife··May 28, 2010AVALON - Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline
PiratenPad: webdiensteohneloginwebdienste für online-kommunikation und -zusammenarbeit bei denen man keinen benutzeraccount vorher anlegen muss.#education#web2erc#collaboration··Apr 4, 2010PiratenPad: webdiensteohnelogin
Sketchcast.comzeichnen, sprechen und "embedden"#collaboration#podcasting#video#education#web2erc··Dec 26,