Mark-a-Spot Mängelmelder mit Open Source
Bürger schaffen Wissen | Die Plattform für Citizen Science-Projekte aus Deutschland: Mitforschen, präsentieren, informieren!
The Participatory Museum
Startseite | FULDAbistDu
topothek - Home
Services | cbased
WienTourismus | Was macht Wien 2020 zur attraktivsten Stadt Europas? | Danke
Bürger schaffen Wissen | Die Plattform für Citizen Science-Projekte aus Deutschland: Mitforschen, präsentieren, informieren!
Zooniverse - Echte Wissenschaft Online
Welcome | Transition Network
It's a place where there's a community-led process that helps that town/village/city/neighbourhood become stronger and happier. It's happening in well over a thousand highly diverse communities across the world - from towns in Australia to neighbourhoods
Community based innovation systems | cbased
Partizipative Entscheidungsprozesse Nützen Sie das Web 2.0 um besser zu entscheiden und effizienter zu kommunizieren.
Street Bump
What's Street Bump? A project of Boston's Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics. Street Bump helps residents improve their neighborhood streets. As they drive, the mobile app collects data about the smoothness of the ride; that data provides the City with - Bürger informieren Gemeinden
Der Einsatz von ist eine interessante Möglichkeit für Städte und Gemeinden, die Kommunikation mit den Bürgern zu vereinfachen und die Mängelbehebung im öffentlichen Raum zu beschleunigen.
Haben Sie ein Schlagloch oder Müll gesehen? Wollen Sie Ihre Kommune loben? Hier melden und wir informieren Ihre Kommune!
Abendblatt-Interview - Streitgespräch: Darf Publikum über Theater entscheiden? - Kultur & Live - Hamburger Abendblatt
is a platform for musicians to collaborate in the music making, discovery and selling process. Artists create music with each other in a co-ownership arrangement. We simplify the process of making great music together and creating ways to get paid for you
GuttenPlag Wiki – kollaborative Plagiatsdokumentation » Ladders of participation
(Arnstein, Sherry R. “A Ladder of Citizen Participation,” JAIP, Vol. 35, No. 4, July 1969, pp. 216-224)
Participatory practice in the arts - The Artful Manager
Projects « Candy Chang
Candy Chang is an artist who makes cities more comfortable for people. She's a TED Fellow, Urban Innovation Fellow, and co-founder of Civic Center. This is her site. Enjoy her projects here.
Transparenz ist die neue Objektivität - Onlinemedien - › Etat
Bevor ich sterbe… Social Media für die Straße | anders|denken
Before I Die is an interactive public art project that transforms neglected spaces into constructive places where we can discover the hopes and aspirations of the people around us.
Street Bump – the Boston Urban Mechanic Profiler « New Urban Mechanics
The Boston Urban Mechanic Profiler (Street Bump) is the City of Boston’s newest mobile phone app designed to help Boston residents improve their neighborhoods. The prototype app was developed in partnership with Fabio Carrera, a local professor who has p
Dialogue App | policy dialogue and crowd-sourcing software designed for government
Crowd-source ideas and policies online Share, rate and discuss ideas to improve decision-making. Get started for free. Trusted at the highest level of government.
Bürger machen Staat 2.0 | economyaustria
„Durch Government 2.0 verliert der Staat sein Monopol auf Erstellung des Gemeinwohls. Entziehen kann er sich dem nicht. Wenn er nicht mitmacht, machen die Bürger es allein“, erklärt der Direktor für Public Management und Governance an der Salzburg Busines