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Citizenship Study Reports - European Commission
Citizenship Study Reports - European Commission
The study 'Participatory Citizenship in the European Union' mapped the theory, policy, practices and levels of engagement across Europe into 3 reports: the Contextual Report, the Analytic Report and the Good Practice Report.
Citizenship Study Reports - European Commission
EUROPA - Press Releases - Neelie Kroes Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda My vision for eGovernment, and how to make it real "Lift-Off towards Open Government" conference Brussels, 15 December 2010
EUROPA - Press Releases - Neelie Kroes Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda My vision for eGovernment, and how to make it real "Lift-Off towards Open Government" conference Brussels, 15 December 2010
yes to open data! I want to see more citizens and businesses making use of more open – machine readable – data. By involving third parties we can both improve services and be more transparent. That would be the definition of weGov.
EUROPA - Press Releases - Neelie Kroes Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda My vision for eGovernment, and how to make it real "Lift-Off towards Open Government" conference Brussels, 15 December 2010
European Citizens' Consultations
European Citizens' Consultations
Zwischen Dezember 2008 und März 2009 können Sie an einer europaweiten Debatte der Frage „Wie kann die EU unsere wirtschaftliche und soziale Zukunft in einer globalisierten Welt gestalten?“ teilnehmen. Diese Online-Debatte wird 10 Vorschläge hervorbringen,
European Citizens' Consultations
European Citizens' Consultations
European Citizens' Consultations
Between the 3rd of December 2008 and March 2009, you have the chance to take part in a Europe-wide debate on the question: “What can the EU do to shape our economic and social future in a globalised world?” This online debate on 27 national websites in al
European Citizens' Consultations
European Citizens' Consultations
European Citizens' Consultations

Bringen Sie Ihre Vision von der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Zukunft der Europäischen Union ein! Zwischen dem 3. Dezember 2008 und dem 27. März 2009 können Sie an einer europaweiten Debatte der Frage „Wie kann die EU unsere wirtschaftliche und soziale Zu

European Citizens' Consultations