Faszination Podcasting - auch in der Schule | Klickwinkel
VLOG . Die „Pseudomorphose“ in Spenglers „Untergang des Abendlandes“ . Probleme der arabischen Kultur – Die Reisen des wunderlichen Herrn Wangenheim
Art Mobs
We've produced (unofficial) audio guides for MoMA, and we're making them available as podcasts. We'd love for you to join in by sending us your own MoMA audio guides, which we'll gladly add to our podcast feed. Why should audio guides be proprietary? Help
Audio recording and sharing
EdTechPodcast.com - Podcast for Teachers, Professors, Educators and anyone interested in educational technology News and Tips
EdTechPodcast.com is a podcast that brings education and technology together every week. Subscribe to listen to an in depth discussion on the trends of educational technology.
Aviary - Tools
Aviary is a suite of powerful creative applications that you can use right in your web browser. We're on a mission to make creation accessible to artists of all genres, from graphic design to audio editing. Sign up for an account today to start creating,
Voxopop - a whole new way to talk online
Voxopop talkgroups let you discuss your interests and passions with people from all over the world, using your real voice. It's a whole new way to talk online.
Vaestro: The Dialogue Driven Network
Asynchronous Voice Discussions
internetradio.de - InternetRadio Aktuell
Unter Mitwirkung von Parasol.de
Audiovisuelle Medien im Netz - Inhalt
Diese Seite ist das Skriptum zu der Lehrveranstaltung Medientechnik 3 an der FH-Hagenberg. Ziel des Lehrganges ist es, den Studierenden die technische Seite des Einsatzes audiovisueller Medien im Netz wie auch auf CD-ROM zu vermitteln.
IBM Podcast - Deutschland - Videos
1000MIKES - Talk Radio 2.0
Podscope lets you search the spoken word for audio and video that interests you.
SkreemR Mp3 Search - World's Greatest Mp3 Search Engine - Find music, podcasts, ringtones, interviews and speeches.
Search the web for DRM-free music, podcasts, speeches and much more.
Yahoo! Search - Audio Search
UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: PoliSci 106A
American Politics: Campaign Strategy - Media; Podcast einer Vorlesung in Berkeley
zeichnen, sprechen und "embedden"
TalkShoe voice talk shows and discussion groups - Talkcasts
PodSafe Audio - Podsafe Music under the Creative Commons license for Podcasting
Podsafe Music
WildVoice - Free hosting for podcasts, blogs, photos and friends
podOmatic Podcast Portal: Create, Find, Share Podcasts!
MyPodcast.com | Create your podcast for free!
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Open Source Streaming Tools
Web Montag.at : Innsbruck :: Wien :: Salzburg
Audio von meinem Vortrag am 2. Juli 2007 in Innsbruck
The Monthly Charts | Starfrosch
PodShow - Video, Music, People, Podcasts
PodHost.de » Willkommen
Hosting für Podcasts
Magnatune: free MP3 music and music licensing (royalty free music, production music and license music).
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