fobizz - Die Community für Lehrkräfte | Forum - Rechtschreibung, Kommasetzung, Grammatik
Community of Practice –
How Do You Support a Community of Practice? | by Ben DeJarnette | Let's Gather | Medium
Home - wenger-trayner
XenForo - Compelling community forum platform
Discourse - Civilized Discussion
Treffpunkt KulturManagement (6)
How Adults Learn - Community of Practice
Jono Bacon | Jono Bacon - Community Management Consultant, Author, and Speaker
actionable insights for working & learning in a networked world
Das „Metaversum“ für die lernOS Convention 2022 (#loscon22) – Cogneon Akademie
Inspirations & Quick Tips | Meeting Innovation Community
Das Cluetrain Manifesto
Community Building: Warum Service & Marketing zusammengehören
Communities of Practice – Ein Zugang zu sozialer Wissensgenerierung
Virtual Communities und Kundenbindung - GRIN
Event Recordings | Meeting Innovation Community
Communities of Practice – Digital Learning & Teaching
The Community Canvas
Wenger-Trayner | Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner
(20+) Effective Webinars | Facebook
Immer besser werden. Gemeinsam. - PeerFinder
Was ist eigentlich "Community of Practice"? - Vernetzungstreffen "Community of Practice"
(4) Dominik Schöneberg on Twitter: "Die einfachste Möglichkeit die Qualität an deutschen Schulen zu verbessern wäre eine systematische Förderung der Zusammenarbeit von Lehrern. Es braucht Zeitfenster und (digitale) Plattformen für den internen und schulüb
Luma - Activate Your Community
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Looking for Online Community Leaders! | Miro
The corridor of uncertainty: Drowning in content but what we need is community
"The main point of this article is that instead of producing vast volumes of content that already exist the university should focus on creating communities, providing context rather than content. The campus itself creates a sense of belonging with spaces that facilitate meetings, discussions and networking as well as having a strong identity in its architecture and setting. The article quotes Eli Noam: the strength of the future physical university lies less in pure information and more in college as a community. "
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