Found 203 bookmarks
Ablaufdatumkalender 2011 & 2012 | Kunst | Viral-Art-Projekt Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatumkalender von Paul Raas
Ablaufdatumkalender 2011 & 2012 | Kunst | Viral-Art-Projekt Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatumkalender von Paul Raas
Der Initiator, Künstler Paul Raas, hat dabei nicht ausschließlich selbst zur Kamera gegriffen, sondern hat die Web-Gemeinschaft eingeladen, mit ihrem Mitwirken den Kalender erst möglich zu machen und so sein Erscheinungsbild entscheidend mit zu prägen.
Ablaufdatumkalender 2011 & 2012 | Kunst | Viral-Art-Projekt Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatumkalender von Paul Raas
is a platform for musicians to collaborate in the music making, discovery and selling process. Artists create music with each other in a co-ownership arrangement. We simplify the process of making great music together and creating ways to get paid for you
Der Zeigerpointer (eine tautologische deutsch-englische Wortschöpfungsfreiheit, die wir uns erlauben) ist die kärgste Form der printmedialen Kapitulation. Verschiedene Personen -- in erster Linie in Lokalzeitungen und Zeitschriften regionaler Bedeutung --
Ten Thousand Cents
Ten Thousand Cents
"Ten Thousand Cents" is a digital artwork that creates a representation of a $100 bill. Using a custom drawing tool, thousands of individuals working in isolation from one another painted a tiny part of the bill without knowledge of the overall task. Work
Ten Thousand Cents
Projects « Candy Chang
Projects « Candy Chang
Candy Chang is an artist who makes cities more comfortable for people. She's a TED Fellow, Urban Innovation Fellow, and co-founder of Civic Center. This is her site. Enjoy her projects here.
Projects « Candy Chang
Auf den Barockaden
Auf den Barockaden
Für unser Filmprojekt Auf den Barockaden brauchen wir Eure Hilfe! Wir haben bisher eine Förderzusage von Filmfond Wien und das Stadtkino Wien hat Interesse bekundet, den Film ins Kino zu bringen. Diese Unterstützung bekommen wir allerdings nur, wenn es un
Auf den Barockaden
1930s-40s in Color - a set on Flickr
1930s-40s in Color - a set on Flickr
We invite your tags and comments! Also, more identification information. (The current titles come from the agency's original documentation, which was sometimes incomplete.)
1930s-40s in Color - a set on Flickr
HowToGrow: Home
HowToGrow: Home
This platform is designed to boost the growth of creative companies across Europe. A set of Services and Tools offers you the opportunity to access knowledge and financial resources.
HowToGrow: Home
Home - Corporate Records
Home - Corporate Records
Welcome To Corporate Records, a new kind of record company that you can sign to any time it suits you. As the traditional music industry struggles to adapt to the challenge of the internet, we make it simple for musicians to share, sell and promote their
Home - Corporate Records