The collaborative environment of journalistic curation enables more rapid reporting of stories or information. Content curation can be used to supplement old fashioned journalistic story writing, to provide a fuller and richer reader experience. Journalistic curation creates partnerships between like-minded journalists or publications. Curation enables reporting on subject matter geographically unreachable or otherwise inaccessible to the journalist, using others’ firsthand points of view and media. Curation provides a wider variety and greater diversity of “voices” and perspectives, without employing multiple journalists. Curation is far more cost-effective in quality news delivery, than beat assignments or a face-to-face journalistic approach. Journalistic curation on the web provides great visibility for the publication through greater depth of content delivery and inherent search optimization.
Remember that scary AI text-generator that was too dangerous to release? It's out now
Überschätzte Bots? | Journalistik
17 Beweise, dass Tokio uns weit in der Vergangenheit zurückgelassen hat
Newsroom Curators and Independent Storytellers: Content Curation as a New Form of Journalism | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Who is the “curator”, that bizarre figure who has recently appeared in lots of articles dealing with the promotion of journalistic (or marketing) content? A curator is basically someone who takes an inordinate mass of material, and turns chaos into order, or in more recent slang, turns “noise into signal”.
SnatchBot Store – Bot-Vorlage
Content Curation in Journalism – Bly School of Journalism
Online-Partizipation |
Netspeak – Search for Words
(1) Wie man Texte und anderen Content automatisiert | Besuch bei Retresco | Discover Neuland Folge 2 - YouTube
Video service
New AI Generates Horrifyingly Plausible Fake News
Replika Web
Wysa - your 4 am friend and AI life coach
Roboterjournalismus: Automatisierte Texte voll im Trend - Technikjournal
The Diigitals About
AX Semantics – a Software that writes your texts
The Diigitals Models
Deep Dream Generator
Trint | Automated Transcription
The Diigitals: Virtual celebrities are taking over your feeds
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Chanty | Simple AI-powered Team Chat
Der große Umbruch (1/2)
5 grandiose KI-Apps, die nicht nur Spaß machen, sondern auch noch nützlich sind - Digital Today
Videofälschungen: Mäuse als Geheimwaffe gegen „Deep Fakes“ -
Public Service Chatbots: Automating Conversation with BBC News: Digital Journalism: Vol 0, No 0
Retresco | Build Better Business with AI-driven Content Automation
AI Reconstructs Faces Using Audio Recordings