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YouTube - Life In A Day
YouTube - Life In A Day
Life In A Day is a historic global experiment to create the world's largest user-generated feature film: a documentary, shot in a single day, by you. On July 24, you have 24 hours to capture a glimpse of your life on camera. The most compelling and distin
YouTube - Life In A Day
Art Mobs
Art Mobs
We've produced (unofficial) audio guides for MoMA, and we're making them available as podcasts. We'd love for you to join in by sending us your own MoMA audio guides, which we'll gladly add to our podcast feed. Why should audio guides be proprietary? Help
Art Mobs
Schwarz + Weiss
Schwarz + Weiss
Schwarz+Weiss entwickelt innovative Konzepte für erfolgreiche Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen und Kulturinstitutionen, die gleichermaßen von der Problematik eines Standorts abseits von Metropolregionen betroffen sind.
Schwarz + Weiss
Cultural Politics | Cultural Politics
Cultural Politics | Cultural Politics is a site designed to offer resources for the analysis of the role of culture in shaping our political, economic, and social lives. Cultural politics understands culture -- popular culture/mass media, folk culture, and the arts -- not
Cultural Politics | Cultural Politics