Sneek: Human contact for remote teams
Überwachung im Home Office – was der Chef darf und was nicht
The best free live streaming software on Windows and Mac | Streamlabs
Spatial Computing for Enterprise | Magic Leap
Poynter's Try This! — Tools for Journalism Newsletter - Poynter
Unhangout -
Donald Trump Text to Speech and Voice — Trumped
In 5 Schritten zum eigenen Home-Studio | G! gutjahrs blog
Web Captioner
Rufpost – Das moderne Lesertelefon
"Enter now": Digitalisierung, virtuelle Kunst und Partizipation | Participate
Zoom Live Captioning | Automatic Captions for Zoom Meetings & Webinars
senfcall – Gib deinen Senf dazu!
7 Top Tips 200+ Virtual Meeting Experts Rave About - Blog
"Give participants the autonomy to move around within breakout areas without restrictions, and see where they can make a difference without restrictions."
Demokratie braucht Vernetzung - Markt der Möglichkeiten
Spiegelübungen | Improtheater, Improvisationstheater | improwiki
meetzi - der kostenlose Online-Meetingraum
MeetButter | Meetings as smooth as butter
Best Online Events and Virtual Events Platform by Run The World
20 online energizers for virtual teams and remote meetings | SessionLab
Offene Sammlung von kreativen Methoden für unterschiedliche Videokonferenzen und Onlineformate
Deepfake lässt Hitler und Stalin im Duett singen - Innovationen - › Web
How to Host a Cocktail Party on Zoom (and have better classes, conferences and meetings, too) | by Misha Glouberman | The Startup | Medium
"You don’t have to think of them as “rooms”. If you’re teaching a 40-person class, you can ask everyone to turn to another student and do a short exercise in pairs. Create 20 rooms, click a button, and everyone is paired up. Then you can bring them right back to the main group. The disappointing part is: Only one person, the Zoom “host”, has the ability to create rooms, assign people to rooms, and move people between them. Everyone else is stuck following the host’s lead."
Bronwyn M. Bjorkman - On virtual events and community
"For me, and perhaps many of you, the real value of attending large in-person events is the opportunity to build community. This is perhaps more transparently obvious for an event like WisCon. WisCon has an incredible depth of programming and the occasional big-name headline guest, but what most people attend for is the chance to see and interact with a particular community of people."