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How to Host a Cocktail Party on Zoom (and have better classes, conferences and meetings, too) | by Misha Glouberman | The Startup | Medium
How to Host a Cocktail Party on Zoom (and have better classes, conferences and meetings, too) | by Misha Glouberman | The Startup | Medium

"You don’t have to think of them as “rooms”. If you’re teaching a 40-person class, you can ask everyone to turn to another student and do a short exercise in pairs. Create 20 rooms, click a button, and everyone is paired up. Then you can bring them right back to the main group. The disappointing part is: Only one person, the Zoom “host”, has the ability to create rooms, assign people to rooms, and move people between them. Everyone else is stuck following the host’s lead."

How to Host a Cocktail Party on Zoom (and have better classes, conferences and meetings, too) | by Misha Glouberman | The Startup | Medium