NewsWhip - Predict With Patented Social Media Monitoring
Directory of Learning & Performance Tools – C4LPT
Kahoot! | Learning Games | Make Learning Awesome!
Web Whiteboard
Loomio | Gemeinschaftliche Entscheidungsfindung
Flipgrid - Video for student engagement and formative assessment
Build a Website - Squarespace
Pinterest • ein Katalog unendlich vieler Ideen
Viele tolle Inspirationen... Auch zum Thema Elternbildung
Live interactive audience participation | Poll Everywhere
Web-Tools (Beispiel) - MindMeister
Free Spam Blocker which uses anonymous email.
Bitly | Bitlink Management now lets you write and collaborate in Google Docs | TechCrunch
"I use Ulysses"
Ulysses is now a damn good WordPress editor for Mac and iOS | TechCrunch
The 10 Work Apps to Watch in 2017 |
Slides – Create and share presentations online
Use Asana to track your team’s work & manage projects · Asana
Toggl - Time Tracker & Employee Timesheet Software
Discord - Free Voice and Text Chat for Gamers
Online Brainstorme
Franz – a free messaging app for Slack, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram and more
Startseite - Dropbox
Library - Diigo
Trello - Share einfach Deine Texte & Fotos
Buffer - A Smarter Way to Share on Social Media