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Sprowd - serious crowdfunding
Sprowd - serious crowdfunding
When you invest in a future company, you'll be financially rewarded when a business is successful. Fair, solid and square. Investing starts at 10 dollars or 10 euros.
Sprowd - serious crowdfunding
Homepage | WeDidThis
Homepage | WeDidThis
WeDidThis is a space for arts organisations to bring their audiences and supporters together to form a 'critical mass' of funders of the arts. By rewarding every donation (however small) with a personalised gift that brings audiences and supporters closer
Homepage | WeDidThis
Grow VC and Springboard Ventures bring 'Crowd-Funding' to India to boost start-ups support infrastru - India’s first-ever pl... | Communiqués de presse en ligne - BuzZiBuzZ | Presse, De, Communique, Gratuit, Diffusion, Com, , Communiqué
Grow VC and Springboard Ventures bring 'Crowd-Funding' to India to boost start-ups support infrastru - India’s first-ever pl... | Communiqués de presse en ligne - BuzZiBuzZ | Presse, De, Communique, Gratuit, Diffusion, Com, , Communiqué
Grow VC and Springboard Ventures bring 'Crowd-Funding' to India to boost start-ups support infrastru - India’s first-ever pl... | Communiqués de presse en ligne - BuzZiBuzZ | Presse, De, Communique, Gratuit, Diffusion, Com, , Communiqué
Crowdfunding for entrepreneurs (Crowd Investing investment rounds for startups) | SocialCompare - Comparisons community
Crowdfunding for entrepreneurs (Crowd Investing investment rounds for startups) | SocialCompare - Comparisons community
Some entrepreneurs that want to raise financing (Fundraising) for their projects or startups, have now another alternative between the existing possibilities: love money (friends, family), business angels, venture capitalists... they can now also raise mo
Crowdfunding for entrepreneurs (Crowd Investing investment rounds for startups) | SocialCompare - Comparisons community
YOUCOOP - Platoniq CoLaboratory / Goteo
YOUCOOP - Platoniq CoLaboratory / Goteo
We are putting GOTEO in motion. GOTEO is a digital platform conceived to build a network for the production, micro-financing and distribution of resources for creative-oriented enterprises or individuals, and for the development of social, cultural, educa
YOUCOOP - Platoniq CoLaboratory / Goteo
SeedQuick has just launched a new crowd-funding portal for start-up companies,, which also contemplates the provision of financial rewards to investors. This is, however, still very new and, from what I saw, no creative projects as su
Ivnus es una plataforma de centralización de proyectos financiados mediante crowdfunding.

Volanda es una nueva forma de apoyar a creadores y emprendedores. Un lugar para compartir creatividad, innovación y nuevas tendencias.

Crowdfunding - Inicio - Lanzanos
Crowdfunding - Inicio - Lanzanos
Lánzanos bebe de la filosofía del Crowdfunding, es decir, de la "financiación por multitudes". Para explicarlo, seguimos la numeración de los dibujos de arriba
Crowdfunding - Inicio - Lanzanos
verkami es 'crowdfunding' para financiar proyectos originales y creadores independientes
Crowdfunding Campaign to Change Crowdfunding Law -- IndieGoGo
Crowdfunding Campaign to Change Crowdfunding Law -- IndieGoGo
Crowdfunding sites like IndieGoGo offer VIP Perks but not shares—because offering profit participation is illegal. Securities law letsyou gamble your retirement on investments conveyed through theall-controlling financial system, but you can’t invest $50
Crowdfunding Campaign to Change Crowdfunding Law -- IndieGoGo