reboot - FREE Anytime Collaboration and Live Conferencing™
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Dicole » Introduction
We know that the challenge is not technology, it is culture.
Etherpad - das Klasse(n)-Notizbuch « Lernen Heute
Einsatz von Etherpad im Unterricht
Eduify | Write Faster (beta) | Eduify gives every student the services to write better, research faster and get help on-demand.
Writing is difficult. Eduify makes it faster and easier. We’re like a writing coach that’s always around. We make students better writers by giving them the ability to:
PiratenPad: webdiensteohnelogin
webdienste für online-kommunikation und -zusammenarbeit bei denen man keinen benutzeraccount vorher anlegen muss.
AVALON - Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline
Start your own online School
Supercool School is an online school platform that empowers everyone to create customized education environments for live online learning.
Wiggio - Makes it easy to work in groups.
The Collaboration Network for Academia | iversity
Einfach Lehrveranstaltungen, Forschungsgruppen und Konferenzen organisieren. Kostenfrei.
Brain/Zoom/Nearpod/ Collaboration - YouTube
CryptPad: Zero Knowledge, Collaborative Real Time Editing