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RSS Graffiti | reads your feeds; writes your walls
RSS Graffiti | reads your feeds; writes your walls

What does it do? RSS Graffiti periodically checks the RSS/Atom feeds that you specify and posts any new entries it finds to the Facebook Walls that you specify. You can get any feed written on any wall (Facebook Profiles, Fan Pages, Groups, Events and App

RSS Graffiti | reads your feeds; writes your walls
Spiegel Online - Redaktion vs Social Media
Spiegel Online - Redaktion vs Social Media
Gegenübergestellt sind alle Headlines der letzten 24 Stunden auf der Spiegel Homepage: Auf der einen Seite die am längsten und höchsten platzierten Themen auf der Spiegel Online Homepage und auf der anderen Seite die gleichen Links aber sortiert danach, w
Spiegel Online - Redaktion vs Social Media
Nicholas D. Kristof (7)
Nicholas D. Kristof (7)
I write op-ed columns that appear twice each week in The New York Times, on Sundays and Thursdays. I still count myself as an Oregonian, but I've been at the Times since 1984, much of that time as a foreign correspondent in Asia. I've had the column since
Nicholas D. Kristof (7)