Actors and writers aren't the only ones worried about AI, new polling shows
Nearly half of Americans — 45% of them — are concerned about the effect artificial intelligence will have on their own line of work, compared to 29% who are not concerned, according to a new poll for The Times conducted by Leger, a Canadian-based polling firm with experience in U.S. surveys.
Nearly half of Americans — 45% of them — are concerned about the effect artificial intelligence will have on their own line of work, compared to 29% who are not concerned, according to a new poll for The Times conducted by Leger, a Canadian-based polling firm with experience in U.S. surveys.
Is artificial intelligence a threat to journalism or will the technology destroy itself? | Samantha Floreani
Hitching a struggling media industry to the wagon of AI won’t serve our interests in the long run
AI in the media doesn’t have to be bad news. There are other AI applications that could benefit the public. For example, it can improve accessibility by helping with tasks such as transcribing audio content, generating image descriptions, or facilitating text-to-speech delivery. These are genuinely exciting applications.
Faktencheck: Wie erkenne ich KI-generierte Bilder? – DW – 09.04.2023
Midjourney, DALL-E, DeepAI - Programme, die mit künstlicher Intelligenz fotorealistische Bilder erschaffen, sorgen für eine Flut an Fakes auf Social Media. Welche Bilder sind echt und welche nicht? Tipps für den Umgang.
Das AI + Automation Lab arbeitet an der Schnittstelle von Journalismus, Informatik und Produktentwicklung daran, künstliche Intelligenz im öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrag einzusetzen.
“We can think of ChatGPT as an automated mansplaining machine – often wrong, but always confident. Even with assurances of human oversight, we should be concerned when material generated this way is repackaged as journalism.”
“We can think of ChatGPT as an automated mansplaining machine – often wrong, but always confident. Even with assurances of human oversight, we should be concerned when material generated this way is repackaged as journalism.”
“AI feeding on itself leads to 'information inbreeding,' which can cause models to collapse. Journalism could be the lifeline! News organizations provide a rich variety of training data that enhances large language models, but this resource is finite. If we consider AI as a living…”
That’s why AI companies must have a vested interest in the sustainability of diverse information sources like journalism. This is not only ethically sound, but also the best strategic bet in the long run. Without diverse, fresh, human-driven data, tech companies risk endangering the well-being of their models and leading to stagnant or even regressive AGI development.
Unlike other AI chat bots, TruthGPT takes a far-more measured approach than competitors, focusing on providing unbiased responses, devoid of political, cultural, or social biases- one of the hardest achievements for any chat bot. To accomplish this feat, TruthGPT uses a broader dataset, incorporating both traditional and highly credible, as well as alternative sources.
Unlike other AI chat bots, TruthGPT takes a far-more measured approach than competitors, focusing on providing unbiased responses, devoid of political, cultural, or social biases- one of the hardest achievements for any chat bot. To accomplish this feat, TruthGPT uses a broader dataset, incorporating both traditional and highly credible, as well as alternative sources.
Deutscher Bundestag - Enquete-Kommission „Künstliche Intelligenz“
Der Bundestag greift mit der Enquete-Kommission „Künstliche Intelligenz – Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und wirtschaftliche, soziale und ökologische Potenziale“ eine der zentralen...
Besser Online 2023 - Die Digitalkonferenz des DJV am 16. September 2023 in Wuppertal | Besser Online 2023 | Mensch & Maschine - Welche Intelligenz Journalismus braucht
Wir zeigen 17 ausführliche Case Studies aus unseren Förderprogrammen von 2016 bis heute, in denen Pioniere KI benutzen, um Inhalte zu generieren, Recherchen zu erleichtern oder den Arbeitsalltag von Medienschaffenden zu verbessern.
AfD sorgt mit KI-Bild zu angeblichem "Goldschatz" für Irritationen
Das Erbe eines Ingenieurs wurde auf dem Parteitag als Bild präsentiert, ohne auf den KI-Ursprung hinzuweisen. Zwei abgebildete Personen haben sechs Finger
Create your AI digital voice clone locally with Piper TTS | Tutorial
This step by step tutorial shows you how you create your own digital text to speech voice clone using ai and Piper TTS. All is done locally on your desktop computer - no cloud service needed.
Check my tutorial on Piper TTS usage:
00:00 Intro
01:03 Prepare and install Piper TTS for training
07:19 Prepare Dataset for TTS Training
11:14 TTS Training
16:25 Monitor training progress
19:37 Synthesize test audios while training
27:09 Outro
Please subscribe to my channel 😊.
Sam Altmann: OpenAI-Gründer startet eigene Digitalwährung Worldcoin
Er hat ChatGPT entwickelt – doch von seinem neuen Vorhaben will US-Unternehmer Sam Altman KI strikt ausschließen. Die Kryptowährung Worldcoin soll per Irisscan sicherstellen, dass nur Menschen teilnehmen.
Ideas are Dimes a Dozen: Large Language Models for Idea Generation in Innovation
Large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI's GPT series have shown remarkable capabilities in generating fluent and coherent text in various domains. We compar