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Ja gut, aber … » Donnerstag = Multitrack-Video-Tag (2)
Ja gut, aber … » Donnerstag = Multitrack-Video-Tag (2)
Das Ergebnis war überwältigend: 185 Sänger aus 12 Ländern haben ihren vokalen und visuellen Beitrag geleistet. Der Musiker und Videoproduzent Scott Haines hat die Einzelvideos in etwa 2000 Stunden Arbeit zu einem beeindruckenden Opus montiert:
Ja gut, aber … » Donnerstag = Multitrack-Video-Tag (2)
Evolving with You - by IdeaScale
Evolving with You - by IdeaScale
We opened this discussion to encourage the community to share creative ideas and help us evolve We are getting some great ideas and discussion. We are working hard to incorporate many of your ideas, so stay tuned as transforms throughou
Evolving with You - by IdeaScale
Microtask | Company
Microtask | Company
Microtask Ltd is a digital labor expert founded in 2009. We enable highly cost-effective services which rely on human labor. Our goal is labor which can be bought just like cloud storage or any other commodity:
Microtask | Company
Bürger machen Staat 2.0 | economyaustria
Bürger machen Staat 2.0 | economyaustria
„Durch Government 2.0 verliert der Staat sein Monopol auf Erstellung des Gemeinwohls. Entziehen kann er sich dem nicht. Wenn er nicht mitmacht, machen die Bürger es allein“, erklärt der Direktor für Public Management und Governance an der Salzburg Busines
Bürger machen Staat 2.0 | economyaustria
Social Media + Performance Marketing, Blog Marketing, AdWords Optimierung
Social Media + Performance Marketing, Blog Marketing, AdWords Optimierung
Nutzen Sie den Einfluss von Social Media und Performance Marketing - noch bevor es Ihre Konkurrenz tut. Gewinnen Sie neue Kunden und positionieren Sie sich optimal in Google. Und zwar nachhaltig. Gerne zeigen wir Ihnen wie Sie das erreichen können.
Social Media + Performance Marketing, Blog Marketing, AdWords Optimierung
NotchUp Networked Recruiting Solutions |
NotchUp Networked Recruiting Solutions |
NotchUp's solution combines a fast growing network of Talent Scouts with an advanced Web-based technology platform. Talent Scouts leverage NotchUp's proprietary technology to tap into their professional and social networks as well as search the Web to fin
NotchUp Networked Recruiting Solutions |

You design fashion, we provide the rest.

  1. Marketing Designers can promote and present themselves through uploading their work and get instant feedback from a worldwide audience and customers.

  2. Production If a design is successful, Garmz handles the

Assignment Desk
Assignment Desk
The Assignment Desk is an editorial tool for news organizations using WordPress as their content management system. The goal of the plugin is to facilitate community engagement with the news production process. The project is open source and has been rele
Assignment Desk