8 Must-Have Traits of Tomorrow's Journalist
2010 will likely be a time of transition as today’s journalists catch up to learn the multimedia, programming, social media, and business skills they’ll need to tell their stories online. These new skills are especially relevant to startups that are looki
slow media » Das Slow Media Manifest
Im ersten Jahrzehnt des 21. Jahrhunderts, den so genannten Nuller-Jahren, haben sich die technologischen Grundlagen der Medienlandschaft tiefgreifend verändert: die wichtigsten Schlagworte lauten: Vernetzung, Internet und soziale Medien. Im zweiten Jahrze
Netzwelt-Ticker: "Guardian"-Chef plädiert für kostenlose Web-Inhalte -SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
Können Verlage es sich leisten, für ihre Webangebote Geld zu verlangen? Sollen, dürfen und wollen sie das überhaupt? Alan Rusbridger findet: Nein, zumindest nicht bei allen Angeboten.
California Watch Launches “Open Newsroom” Project : CJR
The newsroom/café model is already being experimented with in the Czech Republic; the “Open Newsroom” project hints that it may soon be a more common phenomenon in the U.S. As news, generally, becomes an increasingly local affair—and as mobility becomes a
A Latte With Journalism on the Side - NYTimes.com
Several coffee shops set to open next month in the Czech Republic plan to offer more than the usual array of cafe services. As they sip their drinks, visitors will also be able to surf the Web, get help in building social networking profiles or even chat
Global for me is journalism for you - The Money Page
You choose the stories, we'll get them made. It all depends on the level of interest, the more interest the more chance there is the story will be made AND fast......take the Global for me™ button and put it on your sites, pull in your networks...its up