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Introducing Edupunk ~ Stephen's Web
Introducing Edupunk ~ Stephen's Web
The concept of Edupunk has totally caught wind, spreading through the blogosphere like wildfire. This post summarizes several recent posts and offers something like a definition (I would like to think that true edupunks deride definitions as tools of oppr
Introducing Edupunk ~ Stephen's Web
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
A bold experiment in distributed education, "Machine Learning" will be offered free and online to students worldwide during the fall of 2011. Students will have access to lecture videos, lecture notes, receive regular feedback on progress, and receive ans
Machine Learning
What Can We Learn From Stanford University’s Free Online Computer Science Courses? | ALT Online Newsletter
What Can We Learn From Stanford University’s Free Online Computer Science Courses? | ALT Online Newsletter
At the end of July 2011, Stanford University announced that three introductory one-term undergraduate courses would be available free as online distance learning courses during the October to December 2011 term. Each course is taught be people who are lea
What Can We Learn From Stanford University’s Free Online Computer Science Courses? | ALT Online Newsletter
Haute Culture | Avacoach
Haute Culture | Avacoach
Wir wissen, wie es geht - trotzdem entgleitet uns die Online-Sitzung. Mit ein paar Markern für das Handeln im Ablauf kann es aber klappen.
Haute Culture | Avacoach
18 Ways Teachers Can Use Google+ Hangouts - Online Colleges
18 Ways Teachers Can Use Google+ Hangouts - Online Colleges
Whether you teach online classes or just love bringing social media and technology into the classroom, Google offers up some amazing tools to help you get students thinking, learning, connecting, and sharing. One of the newest, and perhaps the coolest, ad
18 Ways Teachers Can Use Google+ Hangouts - Online Colleges
About | Khan Academy
About | Khan Academy

The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We're a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere.

All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matt

About | Khan Academy
Online lernen in der Khan Academy | physikBlog
Online lernen in der Khan Academy | physikBlog
Nun, nicht jeder Profimathematiker ist so egoistisch. Salman Khan z.B. nicht, als ihn sein Cousin anrief. Er nahm sich die Zeit, das ihm gestellte Problem in Videoform zu gießen1 und für seinen Cousin kurzerhand auf YouTube zu laden. Sein Cousin glücklich
Online lernen in der Khan Academy | physikBlog
Open Science Projekt
Open Science Projekt

Eine neue Form der Wissenschaft, die offen, frei, kritisch ist und inmitten der Gesellschaft statt findet. Freie Wissenschaft mit und für freie Menschen.

Open Science, das bedeutet für uns:

Offenheit // Transparenz Partizipation Kritisches Denken Transd

Open Science Projekt
Mozilla Learning, Freedom and the Web
Mozilla Learning, Freedom and the Web
How can the ideas of the open source movement help foster learning? What are the most effective ways to bring learning to everyone? How does openness help the spread of knowledge? Part exhibition catalog, part manifesto, this is a concise, fun-to-read int
Mozilla Learning, Freedom and the Web
Anya Kamenetz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anya Kamenetz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 2009 Kamenetz wrote a column called "How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming American Higher Education"[1] and in 2010 a book on the subject titled DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education. In 2010 she was named a
Anya Kamenetz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Edupunks' Guide To a DIY Credential
The Edupunks' Guide To a DIY Credential
An edupunk is someone who doesn't want to play by the old college rules. Maybe you have interests that don't fit the academic mold. Maybe you're in a remote location. Maybe you have a family, a job, or other responsibilities and you can't take on life as
The Edupunks' Guide To a DIY Credential
Web 2.0 Tools for Educators
Web 2.0 Tools for Educators
Social media provides a variety of tools, commonly referred to as Web 2.0, that educators can use to engage students and enhance essential skills (communication, collaboration, creativity, media literacy, technological proficiency, global awareness. Other
Web 2.0 Tools for Educators
"Offener Unterricht -"
"Offener Unterricht -"
Die Frage, wie man Menschen motiviert, ist etwa so sinnvoll wie die Frage: Wie erzeugt man Hunger? Die einzig vernünftige Antwort lautet: Gar nicht, denn er stellt sich von allein ein. In Wahrheit geht es bei der Motivationserzeugung letztlich immer um Pr
"Offener Unterricht -"
Apple - iTunes U - Learn anything, anywhere, anytime.
Apple - iTunes U - Learn anything, anywhere, anytime.
If you’re an educator at a university, college, or K-12 school, now you have an easy way to design and distribute complete courses featuring audio, video, books, and other content. And students and lifelong learners can experience your courses for free th
Apple - iTunes U - Learn anything, anywhere, anytime.