Felix Salmon’s brain, Drudged: Meet Counterparties, a personal linkblog with Reuters branding » Nieman Journalism Lab
With that in mind, “we’re aggressively anti-pageview,” Salmon says. “We don’t want people to stay on that site. We just want people to go away.” “And then,” McCarthy says, “to come back.”
Als Journalist “in the cloud” | Krusenstern
Andere denken das Konzept “Journalismus in der Cloud” weiter und überlegen, wie bei immer schwierigeren Finanziellen Bedingungen die Organisation von Medienunternehmen aussehen könnte: Keine fest angestellten Journalisten, sondern journalistische Leistung
Introducing the Guardian's new Facebook app | Help | guardian.co.uk
Introducing the Guardian's new Facebook app Today, we're unveiling our first Facebook app, a new social news experience that makes it easier for Facebook users to discover Guardian content online with and via their friends
About the Public Insight Network | Public Insight Network
Become part of the Public Insight Network » Thanks to our technology, editors, reporters and producers can quickly find and learn from thousands of people who have experience or knowledge on a story we are covering. We call this the Public Insight Network
Transparence du service du prix de l'eau
Crowdsourcing. Prixdeleau.fr lets users upload their water utiliy bill. The French market for water distribution is one of the least transparent. The success of the project, led by an NGO and a magazine, led to more openness from administrations and utili