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How To Create A News Channel With ChatGPT & AI News Video Generator
How To Create A News Channel With ChatGPT & AI News Video Generator
Get a 7-day free trial and 25% off Blinkist Annual Premium by clicking here: Thanks to Blinkist For sponsoring this video. Our sponsors help us grow the channel and keep making better videos for you. Thanks for your support! 00:00 - Intro 00:28 - Step #1 - Create a channel 00:44 - Step #2 - Channel name 01:38 - Step #3 - Branding 03:59 - Step #3.2 - Channel Header 04:48 - Step #4 - Search for News 05:10 - Step #5 - Voiceover 06:53 - Step #6 - AI Avatar 07:46 - Step #7 - Video creation 09:11 - Step #8 - Publish video CLICK HERE ↓ Patreon - Get Exclusive Content: Get 1-on-1 AI Consulting: Follow me on Twitter: My AI Video Newsletter: Worlds #1 AI Discord Server: Follow on Tiktok: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: Follow on YouTube Shorts: Email for Business Inquiries: How To Create A News Channel With AI". This tutorial takes you through the process of creating an AI-powered news channel. We explore AI's role in the news industry, and how to set up and train an AI model for your channel. We'll also touch on ethical considerations in AI journalism. If you're interested in revolutionizing news delivery with AI, this video is for you. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and comment below if you have any questions. #AIinNews #ArtificialIntelligence #NewsChannel #AICuration #JournalismInnovation #AIinJournalism #AItechnology #AITutorial Stay tuned for more on AI and technology!
How To Create A News Channel With ChatGPT & AI News Video Generator
The Future of AI in Education: 13 Things We Can Do to Minimize the Damage
The Future of AI in Education: 13 Things We Can Do to Minimize the Damage
We may already be in the era of ‘peak humanity’, a time where we have the greatest levels of education, reasoning, rationality, and creativity – spread out amongst the greatest number of us. A brilliant result of the massification of universal basic education and the power of the university. But with the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can already replicate and even exceed many of our reasoning capabilities – there may soon be less incentive for us to learn and grow. The grave risk is that we then become de-educated and de-coupled from the driving seat to the future. In all the hype about AI, we need to properly assess these risks to collectively decide whether the AI upsides are worth it and whether we should ‘stick or twist’. This paper aims to catalyse the debate and reduce the probability that we sleepwalk to a destination that we don’t want and can’t reverse back out of. We also make 13 clear recommendations about how AI developments could be regulated - to slow things down a little and give time for informed choices about the best future for humanity. Those potential long-term futures include: (1) AI Curtailment; (2) Fake Work; (3) Transhumanism; and (4) Universal Basic Income – each with very different implications for the future of education.
The Future of AI in Education: 13 Things We Can Do to Minimize the Damage
FAQ | PimEyes
FAQ | PimEyes
Find the answers to questions about technical and billing issues. Take our specialist’s advice about PimEyes’ products.
FAQ | PimEyes
Der Aufstieg der KI-Freundinnen: Flirten ohne Hemmungen
Der Aufstieg der KI-Freundinnen: Flirten ohne Hemmungen
Echte Beziehungen sind harte Arbeit. Leichter ist es, eine KI genau nach den eigenen Vorstellungen zu basteln, um dann ohne Scham flirten oder auch nur quatschen zu können
Der Aufstieg der KI-Freundinnen: Flirten ohne Hemmungen
Conbrain Solutions GmbH – Künstliche Intelligenz …
Conbrain Solutions GmbH – Künstliche Intelligenz …
Die Mission von CONBRAIN ist die Organisation von Daten und Risiken bei Projekten – in allen Branchen und in allen Ländern – mittels künstlicher Intelligenz. Wir wollen dadurch die Abwicklung von Projekten revolutionieren.
Die Mission von CONBRAIN ist die Organisation von Daten und Risiken bei Projekten – in allen Branchen und in allen Ländern – mittels künstlicher Intelligenz. Wir wollen dadurch die Abwicklung von Projekten revolutionieren.
Conbrain Solutions GmbH – Künstliche Intelligenz …
KI in der Justiz: Ein Chatbot für Justitia
KI in der Justiz: Ein Chatbot für Justitia
Lassen sich Richter bald von künstlicher Intelligenz beraten? Die Risiken von KI in der Justiz sind groß, aber Experten sehen Chancen.
KI in der Justiz: Ein Chatbot für Justitia
Legal Tech Map Austria 2023 - Future-Law
Legal Tech Map Austria 2023 - Future-Law
Der erste Blick auf die Legal Tech Map 2023. Bei der Präsentation der neuen Landkarte der österreichischen Legal-Tech Landschaft, die einmal jährlich von […]
Legal Tech Map Austria 2023 - Future-Law
Home - Future-Law
Home - Future-Law
Future-Law – Wir sind Legal Tech. Membership Netzwerk, Wissen, Veranstaltungen und Ressourcen, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Kanzlei / Rechtsabteilung zu digitalisieren.
Home - Future-Law
Surfshark: sicherer Online-VPN-Dienst und mehr
Surfshark: sicherer Online-VPN-Dienst und mehr
Surfshark VPN – Datenschutz ● unbegrenzte Geräteanzahl ● 24/7-Support ● über 3.200 Server in 100 Ländern ● No-Logs-Richtlinie ● RAM-Only-Server und mehr.
Surfshark: sicherer Online-VPN-Dienst und mehr
KI News + KI Tools täglich auf
KI News + KI Tools täglich auf
Neueste KI-Trends auf! Täglich KI News & KI Tools. Deutschlands erste Nachrichtenseite speziell für künstliche Intelligenz.
KI News + KI Tools täglich auf
OII | Automating Democracy: Generative AI, Journalism, and the Future of Democracy
OII | Automating Democracy: Generative AI, Journalism, and the Future of Democracy
Powerful and technologically impressive as some of these developments are, they also raise important questions about their democratic impact. Up until now, we could take for granted humans’ central role in shaping democratic deliberation and culture. But what does it mean for the future of democracy if humans are increasingly side-lined by AI?
Powerful and technologically impressive as some of these developments are, they also raise important questions about their democratic impact. Up until now, we could take for granted humans’ central role in shaping democratic deliberation and culture. But what does it mean for the future of democracy if humans are increasingly side-lined by AI?
OII | Automating Democracy: Generative AI, Journalism, and the Future of Democracy
Actors and writers aren't the only ones worried about AI, new polling shows
Actors and writers aren't the only ones worried about AI, new polling shows
Nearly half of Americans — 45% of them — are concerned about the effect artificial intelligence will have on their own line of work, compared to 29% who are not concerned, according to a new poll for The Times conducted by Leger, a Canadian-based polling firm with experience in U.S. surveys.
Nearly half of Americans — 45% of them — are concerned about the effect artificial intelligence will have on their own line of work, compared to 29% who are not concerned, according to a new poll for The Times conducted by Leger, a Canadian-based polling firm with experience in U.S. surveys.
Actors and writers aren't the only ones worried about AI, new polling shows
KI aber fair – Freischreiber
KI aber fair – Freischreiber

Wir fordern eine Kennzeichnungspflicht für KI-generierte Erzeugnisse. Für Nutzende muss schnell und eindeutig ersichtlich sein, ob ein Text, ein Bild, Musikstück oder Video von Menschen erstellt und geprüft oder durch KI generiert wurde. Ein Höchst- maß an Transparenz bei allen Aspekten der Entwicklung, Produktion und Bereitstel- lung ist sowohl für die Nutzenden erforderlich als auch für die Kreativschaffenden, damit sie ggf. ihr Recht am eigenen Werk wahrnehmen können. Eine Kennzeichnungspflicht KI-generierter Erzeugnisse halten wir auch deshalb für erforderlich, um die Gefahren zu minimieren, die von sich selbst verstärkenden Falschmedien (Fake-News, Deep Fake) ausgehen.

KI aber fair – Freischreiber
Is artificial intelligence a threat to journalism or will the technology destroy itself? | Samantha Floreani
Is artificial intelligence a threat to journalism or will the technology destroy itself? | Samantha Floreani
Hitching a struggling media industry to the wagon of AI won’t serve our interests in the long run
AI in the media doesn’t have to be bad news. There are other AI applications that could benefit the public. For example, it can improve accessibility by helping with tasks such as transcribing audio content, generating image descriptions, or facilitating text-to-speech delivery. These are genuinely exciting applications.
Is artificial intelligence a threat to journalism or will the technology destroy itself? | Samantha Floreani
KI im BR: AI + Automation Lab
KI im BR: AI + Automation Lab
Das AI + Automation Lab arbeitet an der Schnittstelle von Journalismus, Informatik und Produktentwicklung daran, künstliche Intelligenz im öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrag einzusetzen.
KI im BR: AI + Automation Lab
(1) journalism ai - Twitter Search / X
(1) journalism ai - Twitter Search / X
“We can think of ChatGPT as an automated mansplaining machine – often wrong, but always confident. Even with assurances of human oversight, we should be concerned when material generated this way is repackaged as journalism.”
“We can think of ChatGPT as an automated mansplaining machine – often wrong, but always confident. Even with assurances of human oversight, we should be concerned when material generated this way is repackaged as journalism.”
(1) journalism ai - Twitter Search / X
Francesco Marconi on Twitter
Francesco Marconi on Twitter
“AI feeding on itself leads to 'information inbreeding,' which can cause models to collapse. Journalism could be the lifeline! News organizations provide a rich variety of training data that enhances large language models, but this resource is finite. If we consider AI as a living…”
That’s why AI companies must have a vested interest in the sustainability of diverse information sources like journalism. This is not only ethically sound, but also the best strategic bet in the long run. Without diverse, fresh, human-driven data, tech companies risk endangering the well-being of their models and leading to stagnant or even regressive AGI development.
Francesco Marconi on Twitter
xAI: Understand the Universe
xAI: Understand the Universe
xAI is a new company founded by Elon Musk that sets out to understand the universe.
xAI: Understand the Universe