WILLKOMMEN BEI VIDEOCATIONInfos über Videohardware#video·videocation.de·Dec 21, 2007WILLKOMMEN BEI VIDEOCATION
JVC Deutschland » Produkte › Camcorder › Hard Disk Camcorder › GZ-HD7EX#videocam·jdl.jvc-europe.com·Dec 22, 2007JVC Deutschland » Produkte › Camcorder › Hard Disk Camcorder › GZ-HD7EX
MeBeam ™ Web based video conferencing: Homesehr niederschwellig. dürfte funktionieren#web2.0#collaboration#video·mebeam.com·Dec 26, 2007MeBeam ™ Web based video conferencing: Home
ooVoo - Free Video Conferencing and Video Messaging#video#collaboration·oovoo.com·Dec 26, 2007ooVoo - Free Video Conferencing and Video Messaging
TokBox: Talk to The World#web2.0#video#collaboration·tokbox.com·Dec 26, 2007TokBox: Talk to The World
Vidivic - Your meeting, our objective#video#collaboration#web2.0·vidivic.com·Dec 26, 2007Vidivic - Your meeting, our objective
WiZiQ Online Teaching | Distance Education | E-Learning and Tutoring#collaboration#web2.0·wiziq.com·Dec 26, 2007WiZiQ Online Teaching | Distance Education | E-Learning and Tutoring
TalkShoe voice talk shows and discussion groups - Talkcasts#podcasting#collaboration·talkshoe.com·Dec 26, 2007TalkShoe voice talk shows and discussion groups - Talkcasts
Skypecasts Academic Potential at EduTechie.comartikel über die möglichkeiten von skypecasts#collaboration·edutechie.com·Dec 26, 2007Skypecasts Academic Potential at EduTechie.com
Vyew.com - FREE Anytime Collaboration and Live Conferencing™kostet, wenn man mehr features haben will#collaboration·vyew.com·Dec 26, 2007Vyew.com - FREE Anytime Collaboration and Live Conferencing™
VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, docs and videos.tolles tool für digital storytelling#digitalstorytelling#collaboration#audio#video·voicethread.com·Dec 26, 2007VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, docs and videos.
celtx - Integrated Media Pre-Production#digitalstorytelling·celtx.com·Dec 26, 2007celtx - Integrated Media Pre-Production
Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows.#collaboration·jingproject.com·Dec 26, 2007Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows.
Sketchcast.comzeichnen, sprechen und "embedden"#collaboration#podcasting#video#education#web2erc·sketchcast.com·Dec 26, 2007Sketchcast.com
QIK | Streaming video right from your phoneLivestreaming vom Mobiltelefon - Go live with your life by streaming anytime, anywhere — right from your phone.#video#web2.0·qik.com·Dec 26, 2007QIK | Streaming video right from your phone
openmeetings - Project Hosting on Google Code#webinar#collaboration#opensource·code.google.com·Dec 27, 2007openmeetings - Project Hosting on Google Code
Welcome to dimdimmacht auch einen guten Eindruck. sollte ich mal testen...#opensource#collaboration#video#web2.0·dimdim.com·Dec 27, 2007Welcome to dimdim
VMuktimal sehen, was das wird. noch nicht offen...#collaboration#web2.0#video·vmukti.com·Dec 27, 2007VMukti
Simple, Small, Secure - WebHuddledeutsche Übersetzung furchtbar, aber vielleicht dennoch interessant.#collaboration#opensource·webhuddle.com·Dec 27, 2007Simple, Small, Secure - WebHuddle
ShowMyPC.com - Instant Desktop Sharing and Access Remote PC Free#collaboration·showmypc.com·Dec 27, 2007ShowMyPC.com - Instant Desktop Sharing and Access Remote PC Free
Thinkature - Real-time collaboration for the websieht sehr gut aus. könnte sich für brainstorming eignen.#collaboration·thinkature.com·Dec 27, 2007Thinkature - Real-time collaboration for the web
Yuuguu. See together. Be together.#collaboration#conference·yuuguu.com·Dec 27, 2007Yuuguu. See together. Be together.
Mindquarry for Collaboration, Teamwork, Productivity | Mindquarry | The Open Source Collaborative SoftwareProjektmanagement, Team-Zusammenarbeit#opensource#collaboration·mindquarry.com·Dec 27, 2007Mindquarry for Collaboration, Teamwork, Productivity | Mindquarry | The Open Source Collaborative Software
Chandler Project - WelcomePersonal Information Manager#opensource#collaboration·chandlerproject.org·Dec 27, 2007Chandler Project - Welcome
Alfresco - Open Source Enterprise Content Management (CMS) including Web Content Management#collaboration#opensource·alfresco.com·Dec 27, 2007Alfresco - Open Source Enterprise Content Management (CMS) including Web Content Management
Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing#collaboration#crowdsourcing#participation·cambrianhouse.com·Dec 27, 2007Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing
ThinkFree Online betaOnline Office#collaboration#opensource#web2.0·thinkfree.com·Dec 27, 2007ThinkFree Online beta
Gliffy.comDiagramme erstellen und mit anderen teilen#collaboration#tools·gliffy.com·Dec 27, 2007Gliffy.com
One Million Blogs for Peace - To End the Iraq WarBetween 20 March 2007 and 20 March 2008 (the fifth year of the war), we will attempt to sign up One Million Blogs for Peace.#activism·bluepyramid.org·Jan 1, 2008One Million Blogs for Peace - To End the Iraq War