Der Arbeitende Kunde - Institut für Soziologie - TU Chemnitz
Es gab eine Zeit, da wurde man an der Käsetheke bedient und beraten, da kaufte man die Bahnkarte am Schalter und richtete den Dauerauftrag mit persönlicher Unterschrift am Bankschalter ein.
99designs » Leading Designer Marketplace for Logo Designs and More…
Need something designed? 99designs connects clients needing design work such as logo designs, business cards or web sites to a thriving community of 12,702 talented designers.
Idea Management - Innovation Managment - Crowdsourcing
IdeaScale enables companies to build living/breathing Digg style communities. IdeaScale is based on the simple model of crowdsourcing. It begins with an idea posted to your IdeaScale community by a user. Each idea can be expanded through comments by the c