Links & David Röthler
The Factual
Unbiased news on trending topics. Daily.
0 TinEye search results
TinEye is an image search and recognition company. We are experts in computer vision, pattern recognition, neural networks, and machine learning.
FotoForensics provides tools and training for digital picture analysis, including error level analysis, metadata, and tutorials.
Aitana Lopez✨| Virtual Soul (@fit_aitana) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos
306K Follower, 281 gefolgt, 106 Beiträge – Sieh dir Instagram-Fotos und -Videos von Aitana Lopez✨| Virtual Soul (@fit_aitana) an
AI Person Generator | Face and full body photos | Lucidpic
Create unique AI-generated images of people, instant avatars of yourself, rendered characters, and more. Customize elements like clothing, hair, and age, or use custom keywords to fine-tune your image.
Bildbearbeitungsprogramm online -
Entdecken Sie einen kostenlosen und erstklassigen Online-Fotoeditor! Effekte, Filter, Überlagerungen, einfache bis hin zu Expertenwerkzeugen. Öffnen Sie nahezu jedes Bildformat wie PSD (Photoshop), PXD, Jpeg, PNG (Transparent), WebP, SVG und viele andere. Sie finden ein Pixlr-Bildbearbeitungsprogramm nur für Sie!
Reality Defender — Deepfake Detection
Reality Defender's robust deepfake detection helps enterprises, platforms, and institutions stop deepfakes before they become a problem.
Deepfake Detector - WeVerify
[vc_row][vc_column width=”5/6″][vc_column_text] Description [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The deepfake detection tool is developed within the WeVerify project. The algorithm processes media items (images or videos) and returns the probability that this media contains deepfake manipulated faces. In video cases, the video is segmented in shots and probabilities are extracted for every frame of the shots. The overall probability (video-level) […]
Our deepfake detection technology was designed to detect deepfake videos or, simply, any fake content in the areas of visual and audio communication.
Chrome Web Store – Suchergebnisse
Add new features to your browser and personalize your browsing experience.
Deepfake Total
Bildgenerator von Google, Testversion
Hey_ Ihr Helfer mit KI
Hey_ Ihr Helfer mit KI von Bild. Entdecken Sie, wie KI Ihnen helfen kann!
Fake-Shop Detector
Fake-Shop Detector: Ein Browser-Plugin gegen Fake-Shops.
Der Fake-Shop Detector überprüft Onlineshops in Echtzeit und warnt Sie rechtzeitig vor Fake-Shops.
(2) 6 Best AI Deepfake Detector Tools for 2024 | LinkedIn
5 Best AI Deepfake Detector Tools For 2024
defame Fakes
Die Watchlist Internet ist eine unabhängige Informationsplattform zu Internet-Betrug und betrugsähnlichen Online-Fallen aus Österreich.
Mit Unterstützung von KI Glaubwürdigkeit von Inhalten im Internet überprüfen
Das Forschungsprojekt defalsif-AI beschäftigt sich mit KI-gestützten Tools, um die Glaubwürdigkeit von Inhalten im Internet zu beurteilen.
ChatGPT WIRKLICH verstehen!
Grundlagen der KI verstehen. Erklärvideo
Luminar Neo - Einfache Bildbearbeitung | Software für Mac & PC
Lade Luminar Neo herunter - Fotobearbeitungssoftware für PC und Mac! Einfacher Fotoeditor mit AI, der dir hilft, deine Fotos so zu bearbeiten, wie du es dir vorstellst
(PDF) Detection of Fake News Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Algorithms
PDF | On Jan 1, 2022, Noshin Nirvana Prachi and others published Detection of Fake News Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Algorithms | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter.
Full Fact - Full Fact is the UK's independent fact checking organisation
Full Fact is the UK's independent fact checking organisation
MoodMe Home - MoodMe
Real-Time Emotion Detection AI Explore MoodMe’s Advanced Emotion Detection Edge AI for Diverse Industries Try Demo Get Started Trusted By Industry Leaders AI at the Forefront ofEmotional Intelligence Welcome to real-time actionable Emotion Detection intelligence, tailored for you. We’re more than just developers; we’re your pioneers, crafting AI that understands and responds with empathy, designed to
Casablanca | Authentic Video Calls | Home
Enhance your video call presence with Casablanca, offering authentic eye contact to boost your performance on any platform. Compatible with Windows and Mac, it seamlessly integrates with all video conference tools for a more engaging experience.
ChatGPT - But why is it important?
Helps make connections between academic papers and the real world
Sonauto | Create hit songs with AI
NUCA Camera
Natural Nudity. AI Powered to be You. Just You.
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