#2022 #washingtonpost #EN #influence
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
“Polizei!” barked the officers who stormed a third-floor apartment in the Austrian capital, moving to intercept a thickset man standing near a kitchen nook. The suspect — a long-serving official in Austria’s security services — sprang toward his cellphone and tried to break it in two, according to Austrian police reports.
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
“Polizei!” barked the officers who stormed a third-floor apartment in the Austrian capital, moving to intercept a thickset man standing near a kitchen nook. The suspect — a long-serving official in Austria’s security services — sprang toward his cellphone and tried to break it in two, according to Austrian police reports.
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria
“Polizei!” barked the officers who stormed a third-floor apartment in the Austrian capital, moving to intercept a thickset man standing near a kitchen nook. The suspect — a long-serving official in Austria’s security services — sprang toward his cellphone and tried to break it in two, according to Austrian police reports.
After invasion of Ukraine, a reckoning on Russian influence in Austria