#EN #disclose #zetter-zeroday #VEP
U.S. Government Disclosed 39 Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in 2023, Per First-Ever Report
U.S. Government Disclosed 39 Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in 2023, Per First-Ever Report
In a first-of-its-kind report, the US government has revealed that it disclosed 39 zero-day software vulnerabilities to vendors or the public in 2023 for the purpose of getting the vulnerabilities patched or mitigated, as opposed to retaining them to use in hacking operations. It’s the first time the government has revealed specific numbers about its controversial Vulnerabilities Equities Process (VEP) — the process it uses to adjudicate decisions about whether zero-day vulnerabilities it discovers should be kept secret so law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and the military can exploit them in hacking operations or be disclosed to vendors to fix them. Zero-day vulnerabilities are security holes in software that are unknown to the software maker and are therefore unpatched at the time of discovery, making systems that use the software at risk of being hacked by anyone who discovers the flaw.
U.S. Government Disclosed 39 Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in 2023, Per First-Ever Report