Further analysis of Denmark attacks leads to warning about unpatched network gear
Further analysis of Denmark attacks leads to warning about unpatched network gear
What happened in Denmark can also happen to you, cybersecurity researchers are warning in a new report that examines attacks against the country’s energy sector last year. Waves of incidents in May that seemed like a highly-targeted effort by a nation-state actor — perhaps Russia’s Sandworm hacking group — might have been less connected than originally thought, according to a new report by Forescout. The researchers say their analysis found two distinct waves against Danish energy providers, and evidence suggests they were unrelated.
Further analysis of Denmark attacks leads to warning about unpatched network gear
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
As we continue to enhance the security of our cloud, we are going to address the problem of email sent to Exchange Online from unsupported and unpatched Exchange servers. There are many risks associated with running unsupported or unpatched software, but by far the biggest risk is security. Once a version of Exchange Server is no longer supported, it no longer receives security updates; thus, any vulnerabilities discovered after support has ended don’t get fixed. There are similar risks associated with running software that is not patched for known vulnerabilities. Once a security update is released, malicious actors will reverse-engineer the update to get a better understanding of how to exploit the vulnerability on unpatched servers.
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub
As we continue to enhance the security of our cloud, we are going to address the problem of email sent to Exchange Online from unsupported and unpatched Exchange servers. There are many risks associated with running unsupported or unpatched software, but by far the biggest risk is security. Once a version of Exchange Server is no longer supported, it no longer receives security updates; thus, any vulnerabilities discovered after support has ended don’t get fixed. There are similar risks associated with running software that is not patched for known vulnerabilities. Once a security update is released, malicious actors will reverse-engineer the update to get a better understanding of how to exploit the vulnerability on unpatched servers.
Throttling and Blocking Email from Persistently Vulnerable Exchange Servers to Exchange Online - Microsoft Community Hub