#EN #iphone #techcrunch #2023
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists’ iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists’ iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware
Apple's warnings in late October that Indian journalists and opposition figures may have been targeted by state-sponsored attacks prompted a forceful Behind closed doors, senior officials from Modi's administration demanded that Apple soften the political impact of the state-sponsored warnings, according to Washington Post.
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists’ iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware
This $70 device can spoof an Apple device and trick you into sharing your password
This $70 device can spoof an Apple device and trick you into sharing your password
Attendees at Def Con, one of the world’s largest hacking conferences, are used to weird shenanigans, such as a seemingly innocuous wall of computer screens that display people’s passwords sniffed over the conference Wi-Fi network. But at this year’s event, even conference veterans were confused and concerned when their iPhones started showing pop-up messages prompting them to connect their Apple ID or share a password with a nearby Apple TV.
This $70 device can spoof an Apple device and trick you into sharing your password