#2022 #analysis #Malware #en
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
Here we go with another episode about our (not so) old friend, BRATA. In almost one year, threat actors (TAs) have further improved the capabilities of this malware. In our previous blog post [1] we defined three main BRATA variants, which appeared during two different waves detected by our telemetries at the very end of 2021. However, during the last months we have observed a change in the attack pattern commonly used.
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
Here we go with another episode about our (not so) old friend, BRATA. In almost one year, threat actors (TAs) have further improved the capabilities of this malware. In our previous blog post [1] we defined three main BRATA variants, which appeared during two different waves detected by our telemetries at the very end of 2021. However, during the last months we have observed a change in the attack pattern commonly used.
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
Here we go with another episode about our (not so) old friend, BRATA. In almost one year, threat actors (TAs) have further improved the capabilities of this malware. In our previous blog post [1] we defined three main BRATA variants, which appeared during two different waves detected by our telemetries at the very end of 2021. However, during the last months we have observed a change in the attack pattern commonly used.
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
Here we go with another episode about our (not so) old friend, BRATA. In almost one year, threat actors (TAs) have further improved the capabilities of this malware. In our previous blog post [1] we defined three main BRATA variants, which appeared during two different waves detected by our telemetries at the very end of 2021. However, during the last months we have observed a change in the attack pattern commonly used.
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
Here we go with another episode about our (not so) old friend, BRATA. In almost one year, threat actors (TAs) have further improved the capabilities of this malware. In our previous blog post [1] we defined three main BRATA variants, which appeared during two different waves detected by our telemetries at the very end of 2021. However, during the last months we have observed a change in the attack pattern commonly used.
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
Here we go with another episode about our (not so) old friend, BRATA. In almost one year, threat actors (TAs) have further improved the capabilities of this malware. In our previous blog post [1] we defined three main BRATA variants, which appeared during two different waves detected by our telemetries at the very end of 2021. However, during the last months we have observed a change in the attack pattern commonly used.
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
Here we go with another episode about our (not so) old friend, BRATA. In almost one year, threat actors (TAs) have further improved the capabilities of this malware. In our previous blog post [1] we defined three main BRATA variants, which appeared during two different waves detected by our telemetries at the very end of 2021. However, during the last months we have observed a change in the attack pattern commonly used.
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
New RisePro Stealer distributed by the prominent PrivateLoader
New RisePro Stealer distributed by the prominent PrivateLoader
PrivateLoader is an active malware in the loader market, used by multiple threat actors to deliver various payloads, mainly information stealer. Since our previous investigation, we keep tracking the malware to map its ecosystem and delivered payloads. Starting from this submission, we recognized a now familiar first payload, namely PrivateLoader. However, the dropped stealer was not part of our stealer growing collection, notably including RedLine or Raccoon. Eventually SEKOIA.IO realised it was a new undocumented stealer, known as RisePro. This article aims at presenting SEKOIA.IO RisePro information stealer analysis.
New RisePro Stealer distributed by the prominent PrivateLoader
L’art de l’évasion How Shlayer hides its configuration inside Apple proprietary DMG files
L’art de l’évasion How Shlayer hides its configuration inside Apple proprietary DMG files
While conducting routine threat hunting for macOS malware on Ad networks, I stumbled upon an unusual Shlayer sample. Upon further analysis, it became clear that this variant was different from the known Shlayer variants such as OSX/Shlayer.D, OSX/Shlayer.E, or ZShlayer. We have dubbed it OSX/Shlayer.F.
L’art de l’évasion How Shlayer hides its configuration inside Apple proprietary DMG files
Raspberry Robin Malware Targets Telecom, Governments
Raspberry Robin Malware Targets Telecom, Governments
We found samples of the Raspberry Robin malware spreading in telecommunications and government office systems beginning September. The main payload itself is packed with more than 10 layers for obfuscation and is capable of delivering a fake payload once it detects sandboxing and security analytics tools.
Raspberry Robin Malware Targets Telecom, Governments
The Case of Cloud9 Chrome Botnet
The Case of Cloud9 Chrome Botnet
The Zimperium zLabs team recently discovered a malicious browser extension, originally called Cloud9, which not only steals the information available during the browser session but can also install malware on a user's device and subsequently assume control of the entire device. In this blog, we will take a deeper look into this malicious browser extension.
The Case of Cloud9 Chrome Botnet
MAR-10365227-3.v1 China Chopper Webshells
MAR-10365227-3.v1 China Chopper Webshells
CISA analyzed 15 files associated with China Chopper malware. The files are modified Offline Address Book (OAB) Virtual Directory (VD) configuration files for Microsoft Exchange servers. The files have been modified with a variant of the China Chopper webshell. The webshells allow an attacker to remotely access the server and execute arbitrary code on the system(s).referenced in this bulletin or otherwise.
MAR-10365227-3.v1 China Chopper Webshells
MAR-10400779-1.v1 – Zimbra 1
MAR-10400779-1.v1 – Zimbra 1
CISA received seven files for analysis. Six Java Server Pages (JSP) webshells and a Bourne Again SHell (bash) file. Five JSP webshell files are designed to parse inbound requests for commands for execution, download files, and upload files. One JSP webshell file contains a form with input fields that prompts the attacker to enter the command in the input box and click "run" to execute. The command output will be displayed in a JSP page. The bash file is designed to perform ldapsearch queries and store the output into a newly created directory.
MAR-10400779-1.v1 – Zimbra 1