#2022 #analysis #trustwave
Archive Sidestepping: Emotet Botnet Pushing Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR
Archive Sidestepping: Emotet Botnet Pushing Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR
Trustwave SpiderLabs’ spam traps have identified an increase in threats packaged in password-protected archives with about 96% of these being spammed by the Emotet Botnet. In the first half of 2022, we identified password-protected ZIP files as the third most popular archive format used by cybercriminals to conceal malware.
Archive Sidestepping: Emotet Botnet Pushing Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR
Archive Sidestepping: Emotet Botnet Pushing Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR
Archive Sidestepping: Emotet Botnet Pushing Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR
Trustwave SpiderLabs’ spam traps have identified an increase in threats packaged in password-protected archives with about 96% of these being spammed by the Emotet Botnet. In the first half of 2022, we identified password-protected ZIP files as the third most popular archive format used by cybercriminals to conceal malware.
Archive Sidestepping: Emotet Botnet Pushing Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR