#2022 #cloud #Cloud
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Peut-on encore, en Suisse, recourir à des services cloud offerts par Microsoft ?
Peut-on encore, en Suisse, recourir à des services cloud offerts par Microsoft ?
Dans une prise de position publiée le 13 juin 2022, le Préposé fédéral à la protection des données et à la transparence a estimé que le recours aux services cloud M365 de Microsoft serait susceptible de violer la Loi fédérale sur la protection des données, quand bien même le projet de la Caisse nationale suisse d'assurance en cas d'accidents (SUVA) envisage que les données soient hébergées en Suisse et que le cocontractant du responsable du traitement soit une entité européenne du Groupe Microsoft.
Peut-on encore, en Suisse, recourir à des services cloud offerts par Microsoft ?
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
La commission veut renforcer la cybersécurité et l’indépendance de la Suisse
La commission veut renforcer la cybersécurité et l’indépendance de la Suisse
La Commission de la politique de sécurité du Conseil national propose de modifier la législation afin que la Confédération puisse créer, en collaboration avec les cantons, les hautes écoles, les établissements de recherche et les entreprises suisses, une infrastructure numérique indépendante. Elle estime par ailleurs qu’il y a lieu de définir des normes pour la gestion de la sécurité. La commission a donné suite à une initiative parlementaire en ce sens.
La commission veut renforcer la cybersécurité et l’indépendance de la Suisse
Peut-on encore, en Suisse, recourir à des services cloud offerts par Microsoft ?
Peut-on encore, en Suisse, recourir à des services cloud offerts par Microsoft ?
Dans une prise de position publiée le 13 juin 2022, le Préposé fédéral à la protection des données et à la transparence a estimé que le recours aux services cloud M365 de Microsoft serait susceptible de violer la Loi fédérale sur la protection des données, quand bien même le projet de la Caisse nationale suisse d'assurance en cas d'accidents (SUVA) envisage que les données soient hébergées en Suisse et que le cocontractant du responsable du traitement soit une entité européenne du Groupe Microsoft.
Peut-on encore, en Suisse, recourir à des services cloud offerts par Microsoft ?
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. [Document PDF](
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
La commission veut renforcer la cybersécurité et l’indépendance de la Suisse
La commission veut renforcer la cybersécurité et l’indépendance de la Suisse
La Commission de la politique de sécurité du Conseil national propose de modifier la législation afin que la Confédération puisse créer, en collaboration avec les cantons, les hautes écoles, les établissements de recherche et les entreprises suisses, une infrastructure numérique indépendante. Elle estime par ailleurs qu’il y a lieu de définir des normes pour la gestion de la sécurité. La commission a donné suite à une initiative parlementaire en ce sens.
La commission veut renforcer la cybersécurité et l’indépendance de la Suisse